bashdb<0> show alias
cont: continue | fin: finish | list>: list | h: help
q!: quit | !: history | x: examine | ev: eval
bash: shell | exit: quit | ed: edit | eval?: eval
?: help | w: watch | s: step | d: clear
where: backtrace | t: backtrace | sh: shell | c: continue
s-: step- | r: run | q: quit | b: break
s+: step+ | pr: print | n: next | a: action
bt: backtrace | restart: run | l: list
l>: list | ev?: eval | i: info
function print
function getdate
"hello $user,"
"today is $(getdate)
bashdb 《除錯檔案》
martindemacbook-pro:android_shell martin$ bashdb debug.sh
bash debugger, bashdb, release 4.4-0.94
this is free software, covered by the gnu general public license, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
13: echo "hello $user,"
bashdb<0> l 行號
bashdb<1> l 1
1: #!/bin/bash
2: function print
9: function getdate
9: function getdate
10: {
bashdb<3> b 6 if$test==alabama
breakpoint 1 set in file /users/martin/workspace/linux/android_shell/debug.sh, line 6.
bashdb<4> d 2
bashdb<8> i b
num type disp enb what
2 breakpoint keep y /users/martin/workspace/linux/android_shell/debug.sh:2
3 breakpoint keep y /users/martin/workspace/linux/android_shell/debug.sh:10
bashdb<9> d 10
removed 1 breakpoint(s).
bashdb<10> i b
num type disp enb what
2 breakpoint keep y /users/martin/workspace/linux/android_shell/debug.sh:2
bashdb<1> run
bashdb<9> run
restarting with: /usr/local/bin/bashdb debug.sh
bash debugger, bashdb, release 4.4-0.94
this is free software, covered by the gnu general public license, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
13: echo "hello $user,"
bashdb<0> c
bashdb<0> c
hello martin,
today is date +%y-%m-%d
debugged program terminated normally. use q to quit or r to restart.
bashdb<1> q
step over:如果正在呼叫乙個子函式,不會跟到函式內部bashdb<1> q
bashdb: that's all, folks...
bashdb<0> n
step into:如果正在呼叫乙個子函式,不會跟到函式內部bashdb<0> n
hello martin,
14: echo "today is $(getdate)"
bashdb<0> s
step return:如果正在呼叫乙個子函式,並且進入函式內部,會退出到喊出。bashdb<1> s
14: echo "today is $(getdate)"
bashdb<(2)> finish
用於列印當前變數的值bashdb<(2)> finish
today is date +%y-%m-%d
debugged program terminated normally. use q to quit or r to restart.
bashdb<6> pr 《列印的變數》
監控當前變數的值,當有值發生改變的時候,就改變值。hello martin,
14: echo "today is $(getdate)"
bashdb<6> pr $user
bashdb<1> watch 《變數名稱不帶$號》
bashdb<1> watch user
0: ($user)==martin arith: 0
bashdb<2> n
shell 指令碼除錯工具
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