2、格式化時間var date = new date(2020, 1, 2, 12, 30, 0);
// sun feb 02 2020 12:30:00 gmt+0100 (w. europe standard time)
var today = date.now();
date.getseconds() the seconds of this date (0-59 range).
date.getminutes() the minutes of this date (0-59 range).
date.gethours() the hours of this date (0-23 range).
date.getdate() the day of this date (1-31 range).
date.getday() the day of the week of this date (0-6 range) where 0 is sunday.
date.getmonth() the month of this date (0-11 range).
date.getfullyear() the full year of this date (4-digits).
var now = date.now();
var monthnames = ["january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"];
var monthname = monthnames[now.getmonth()];
trace("this month is called " + monthname);
var daynames = ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saterday"];
var dayname = daynames[now.getday()];
trace("this day is called " + dayname);
3、計算時間datetools.format(date.now(), "%y-%m-%d_%h:%m:%s");
// 2018-07-08_14:44:05
datetools.format(date.now(), "%r");
// 02:44:05 pm
var t = datetools.format(date.now(), "%t");
// 14:44:05
datetools.format(date.now(), "%f");
// 2018-07-08
datetools.format(date.now(), "%b %d, %y");
// jan 08, 2018
4、計時器var today = date.now();
var dayinms = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var yesterday = datetools.delta(today, -dayinms);
var tomorrow = datetools.delta(today, dayinms);
var nextweek = datetools.delta(today, dayinms * 7);
trace("today: " + today);
trace("yesterday: " + yesterday);
trace("tomorrow: " + tomorrow);
trace("next week: " + nextweek);
import haxe.timer;
using stringtools;
class test else
}return timer;
1,date類來封裝當前的日期和時間,date 類提供兩個建構函式來例項化 date 物件 第乙個建構函式使用當前日期和時間來初始化物件 date 第二個建構函式接收乙個引數,該引數是從1970年1月1日起的毫秒數 date long millisec 獲取當前日期 初始化 date 物件 date...
獲取當前時間 使用標準C
大家可能在開發過程中經常會遇到獲取當前系統時間的問題。那麼除了mfc中的ctime類外,有沒有其他的方法呢?答案是肯定的。很多c c 的初學者在學習這門語言的時候,經常是只注意其語法,而其庫函式卻知道的很少。有的知道一些,但是卻很少應用。筆者在這裡建議大家,經常去看看標準c庫,標準c 庫。如果能在開...
c 程式設計之時間使用
對於時間,c 闡述了這樣幾種概念 1.clock tick cpu時鐘計時單元 2.calender time 日曆時間 3.broken down time 分解時間 4.local time 本地時間 5.coordinate universal time 協調世界時 我試用了前兩種計時方法 它...