python中用xml.dom.minidom來解析xml檔案,例項如下:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
war, thriller
talk about a us-japan war
*****, science fiction
a schientific fiction
*****, action
vash the stampede!
2viewable boredom
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import xml.dom.minidom
# 使用minidom解析器開啟 xml 文件
domtree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("movies.xml")
collection = domtree.documentelement
if collection.hasattribute("shelf"):
print "root element : %s" % collection.getattribute("shelf")
# 在集合中獲取所有電影
movies = collection.getelementsbytagname("movie")
# 列印每部電影的詳細資訊
for movie in movies:
print "*****movie*****"
if movie.hasattribute("title"):
print "title: %s" % movie.getattribute("title")
type = movie.getelementsbytagname('type')[0]
print "type: %s" % type.childnodes[0].data
format = movie.getelementsbytagname('format')[0]
print "format: %s" % format.childnodes[0].data
rating = movie.getelementsbytagname('rating')[0]
print "rating: %s" % rating.childnodes[0].data
description = movie.getelementsbytagname('description')[0]
print "description: %s" % description.childnodes[0].data
root element : new arrivals
title: enemy behind
type: war, thriller
format: *** rating: pg
description: talk about a us-japan war
title: transformers
type: *****, science fiction
format: *** rating: r
description: a schientific fiction
title: trigun
type: *****, action
format: *** rating: pg
description: vash the stampede!
title: ishtar
type: comedy
format: vhs
rating: pg
description: viewable boredom
解析 xml 格式的檔案有多種方法,這裡只介紹使用 xml.etree.elementtree 這種解析方式.elementtree在 python 標準庫中有兩種實現。一種是純 python 實現例如 xml.etree.elementtree 另外一種是速度快一點的 xml.etree.cele...
python 解析xml檔案
et.parser 用法 python3 xml解析模組xml.etree.elementtree簡介 刪除重複xml節點 import xml.etree.elementtree as et 匯入xml模組 root et.parse gho.xml 分析指定xml檔案 tree root.get...
Python 解析XML檔案
python檔案 複製 如下 par 本例子參考自python聯機文件,做了適當改動和新增 import xml.parsers.expat 控制列印縮排 level 0 獲取某節點名稱及屬性值集合 def start element name,attrs global level pr...