
2021-09-11 07:57:30 字數 3295 閱讀 3949


在excel 2003和2007中已經驗證成功。**為網上收集,原作者已不可考。

function getpychar(char)tmp = 65536 + asc(char)if (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) thengetpychar = "a"elseif (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) thengetpychar = "b"elseif (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) thengetpychar = "c"elseif (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) thengetpychar = "d"elseif (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) thengetpychar = "e"elseif (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) thengetpychar = "f"elseif (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) thengetpychar = "g"elseif (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) thengetpychar = "h"elseif (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) thengetpychar = "j"elseif (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) thengetpychar = "k"elseif (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) thengetpychar = "l"elseif (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) thengetpychar = "m"elseif (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) thengetpychar = "n"elseif (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) thengetpychar = "o"elseif (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) thengetpychar = "p"elseif (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) thengetpychar = "q"elseif (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) thengetpychar = "r"elseif (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) thengetpychar = "s"elseif (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) thengetpychar = "t"elseif (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) thengetpychar = "w"elseif (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53640) thengetpychar = "x"elseif (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) thengetpychar = "y"elseif (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) thengetpychar = "z"else '如果不是中文,則不處理getpychar = charend ifend functionfunction getpy(str)for i = 1 to len(str)getpy = getpy & getpychar(mid(str, i, 1))next iend function


在excel 2003和2007中已經驗證成功。**為網上收集,原作者已不可考。

function getpychar(char)tmp = 65536 + asc(char)if (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) thengetpychar = "a"elseif (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) thengetpychar = "b"elseif (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) thengetpychar = "c"elseif (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) thengetpychar = "d"elseif (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) thengetpychar = "e"elseif (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) thengetpychar = "f"elseif (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) thengetpychar = "g"elseif (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) thengetpychar = "h"elseif (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) thengetpychar = "j"elseif (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) thengetpychar = "k"elseif (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) thengetpychar = "l"elseif (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) thengetpychar = "m"elseif (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) thengetpychar = "n"elseif (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) thengetpychar = "o"elseif (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) thengetpychar = "p"elseif (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) thengetpychar = "q"elseif (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) thengetpychar = "r"elseif (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) thengetpychar = "s"elseif (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) thengetpychar = "t"elseif (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) thengetpychar = "w"elseif (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53640) thengetpychar = "x"elseif (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) thengetpychar = "y"elseif (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) thengetpychar = "z"else '如果不是中文,則不處理getpychar = charend ifend functionfunction getpy(str)for i = 1 to len(str)getpy = getpy & getpychar(mid(str, i, 1))next iend function


呼叫convertpinyin 函式,引數為你要轉換的漢字 返回值就是轉換後的拼音 可以只返回首字母或者首字母大寫的全拼拼音 var phonetictranscriptionobj 漢字轉拼音 function convertpinyin chinesecharacter else if name...


呼叫convertpinyin 函式,引數為你要轉換的漢字 返回值就是轉換後的拼音 可以只返回首字母或者首字母大寫的全拼拼音 var phonetictranscriptionobj 漢字轉拼音 function convertpinyin chinesecharacter else if name...


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