
2021-09-11 02:16:35 字數 993 閱讀 5558




select sum(income) as income,

from_unixtime(created, '%y-%m-%d') as create_data

from `income`

group by create_data

order by create_data desc


select sum(income) as income,

from_unixtime(created, '%y-%u') as create_data

from `income`

group by create_data

order by create_data desc


如果時間為 2019-01-1,代表上半個月,2019-01-2代表下半個月

select sum(income) as income,

if(from_unixtime(created, '%d') <= 15, from_unixtime(created, '%y-%m-1'), from_unixtime(created, '%y-%m-2')) as create_data

from `income`

group by create_data

order by create_data desc


select sum(income) as income,

from_unixtime(created, '%y-%m') as create_data

from `income`

group by create_data

order by create_data desc


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