Excel VBA巨集程式設計

2021-09-10 21:44:39 字數 4776 閱讀 9108




sub getid()

dim str as string

for i = 2 to 5001

str = worksheets(1).cells(i, 13)

worksheets(1).cells(i, 14) = mid(str, 7, 4) + "年"

worksheets(1).cells(i, 15) = "'" + mid(str, 11, 2) + "月" + mid(str, 13, 2) + "日"


end sub


sub getid()

dim str as string

for i = 2 to 5001

str = worksheets(4).cells(int((20 * rnd) + 1), 1)

worksheets(1).cells(i, 25) = str


end sub

int((20 * rnd) + 1)相當於獲取1-20之間的任意整數

sub randname()

dim randomindex as integer

dim name as string

dim id as string

dim randomindex2 as integer

for i = 1 to 500

randomindex = int(1001 * rnd + 2)

name = worksheets(1).cells(randomindex, 3)

id = worksheets(1).cells(randomindex, 2)

randomindex2 = int((5001 - 2001 + 1) * rnd + 2001)

worksheets(1).cells(randomindex2, 23) = name

worksheets(1).cells(randomindex2, 24) = id


end sub


int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * rnd + lowerbound)

sub asd()

for i = 2 to 5001

worksheets(1).cells(i, 16) = int(650 * rnd + 50) * 100


end sub


sub awwa()


dim temp as integer

dim arr()

dim arr2()

arr = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0")

arr2 = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")


dim a1 as string

dim a2 as string

dim a3 as string

dim a4 as string

dim a5 as string

for i = 2 to 5001

temp = int(3 * rnd + 1)

select case temp


case 1

a1 = arr(int(35 * rnd + 1))

a2 = arr2(int(25 * rnd + 1))

a3 = int(9 * rnd)

a4 = int(9 * rnd)

a5 = int(9 * rnd)


case 2

a1 = int(9 * rnd)

a2 = arr2(int(25 * rnd + 1))

a3 = int(9 * rnd)

a4 = arr(int(35 * rnd + 1))

a5 = int(9 * rnd)


case 3

a1 = int(9 * rnd)

a2 = int(9 * rnd)

a3 = arr2(int(25 * rnd + 1))

a4 = int(9 * rnd)

a5 = arr(int(35 * rnd + 1))

end select

worksheets(1).cells(i, 4) = "遼a" + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5


'msgbox arr(0)

end sub


sub asd()

if worksheets(3).cells(1, 6) = "" then

msgbox ("單元格為空")


msgbox ("單元格有值")

end if

end sub

sub ss()

dim mit as integer

dim zootemp as integer

dim r as integer

mit = 1

zoomit = 0

zoomtemp = 1

dim zooindex as integer

dim ibooindex as integer

zooindex = 1

ibooindex = 1

for i = 0 to 199

r = int(rnd * 8 + 2)

zoomtemp = mit + r

for j = 1 to 10

mit = mit + 1

'msgbox (str(mit) & (" ") & str(zoomtemp))

if (zoomtemp = mit) then

'msgbox ("已存入200人列表")

worksheets(4).cells(zooindex, 1) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 1)

worksheets(4).cells(zooindex, 2) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 2)

worksheets(4).cells(zooindex, 3) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 3)

worksheets(4).cells(zooindex, 4) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 4)

worksheets(4).cells(zooindex, 5) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 5)

zooindex = zooindex + 1


'msgbox ("已存入1800人列表")

worksheets(5).cells(ibooindex, 1) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 1)

worksheets(5).cells(ibooindex, 2) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 2)

worksheets(5).cells(ibooindex, 3) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 3)

worksheets(5).cells(ibooindex, 4) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 4)

worksheets(5).cells(ibooindex, 5) = worksheets(3).cells(mit, 5)

ibooindex = ibooindex + 1

end if



'msgbox (str(zooindex) & (" ") & str(ibooindex))

end sub


sub asd()

dim r as integer

r = 3

for i = 2 to 2001

r = int(rnd * 3 + 1) + r

worksheets(3).cells(i, 1) = worksheets(2).cells(r, 1)

worksheets(3).cells(i, 2) = worksheets(2).cells(r, 2)

worksheets(3).cells(i, 3) = worksheets(2).cells(r, 3)

worksheets(3).cells(i, 4) = worksheets(2).cells(r, 4)

worksheets(3).cells(i, 5) = worksheets(2).cells(r, 5)


end sub

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