7-1 汽車租賃 : 編寫乙個程式, 詢問使用者要租賃什麼樣的汽車, 並列印一條訊息, 如「let me see if i can find you a subaru」。
7-2 餐館訂位 : 編寫乙個程式, 詢問使用者有多少人用餐。 如果超過8人, 就列印一條訊息, 指出沒有空桌; 否則指出有空桌。car = input('what kind of car would you like to rent? ')
print('let me see if i can find you a '+car.title()+'.')
7-3 10的整數倍 : 讓使用者輸入乙個數字, 並指出這個數字是否是10的整數倍。reservation = input('how many people come for eat? ')
reservation = int(reservation)
if reservation > 8:
print('sorry,it has not table.')
print('it has empty table now.')
7-4 比薩配料 : 編寫乙個迴圈, 提示使用者輸入一系列的比薩配料, 並在使用者輸入'quit' 時結束迴圈。 每當使用者輸入一種配料後,都列印一條訊息, 說我們會在比薩中新增這種配料。numb = input('please input a number,i will tell you the number is multiplier of ten! ')
numb = int(numb)
if numb % 10 == 0:
print(str(numb)+' is multiplier of ten!')
print(str(numb)+' is not multiplier of ten!')
7-5 電影票 : 有家電影院根據觀眾的年齡收取不同的票價: 不到3歲的觀眾免費; 3~12歲的觀眾為10美元; 超過12歲的觀眾為15美元。 請編寫乙個迴圈, 在其中詢問使用者的年齡, 並指出其票價。toppings = '\nplease add your pizza ingredients.'
toppings += "\n(enter 'quit' when you are finished.) "
while true:
topping = input(toppings)
if topping == 'quit':
print('i will add '+topping.title()+' in your pizza.')
7-6 三個出口 : 以另一種方式完成練習7-4或練習7-5, 在程式中採取如下所有做法。print("enter 'quit' when you are finished.")
prices = '\n請問您多大呢?我們是根據年齡段收費的。'
while true:
age = input(prices)
if age == 'quit':
elif int(age) < 3:
print('it is for free.')
elif int(age) <=12:
print('it costs 10 dollars.')
print('it costs 15 dollars.')
7-8 熟食店 : 建立乙個名為sandwich_orders 的列表, 在其中包含各種三明治的名字; 再建立乙個名為finished_sandwiches 的空列表。 遍歷列表sandwich_orders , 對於其中的每種三明治, 都列印一條訊息, 如i made your tuna sandwich , 並將其移到列表finished_sandwiches 。 所有三明治都製作好後, 列印一條訊息, 將這些三明治列出來。toppings = '\nplease add your pizza ingredients.'
toppings += "\n(enter 'quit' when you are finished.) "
#active = true
#while active:
# topping = input(toppings)
# if topping == 'quit':
# active = false
# else:
# print('i will add '+topping.title()+' in your pizza.')
topping = ""
while topping != 'quit':
topping = input(toppings)
if topping != 'quit':
print('i will add ' + topping.title() + ' in your pizza.')
7-9 五香菸薰牛肉(pastrami) 賣完了 : 使用為完成練習7-8而建立的列表sandwich_orders , 並確保'pastrami' 在其中至少出現了三次。 在程式開頭附近新增這樣的**: 列印一條訊息, 指出熟食店的五香菸薰牛肉賣完了; 再使用乙個while 迴圈將列表sandwich_orders 中的'pastrami' 都刪除。 確認最終的列表finished_sandwiches 中不包含'pastrami' 。sandwich_orders = ['tuna','cuban','chicken']
finished_sandwiches =
for order in sandwich_orders:
print('i made your '+order.title()+' sandwich.')
print('finished sandwich is:')
for finish in finished_sandwiches:
while sandwich_orders: #方法二
finished_sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()
print('i made your '+finished_sandwich.title()+' sandwich.')
print('finished sandwich is:')
for finish in finished_sandwiches:
7-10 夢想的度假勝地 : 編寫乙個程式, 調查使用者夢想的度假勝地。 使用類似於「if you could visit one place in the world, where would you go?」的提示, 並編寫乙個列印調查結果的**塊。sandwich_orders = ['tuna','cuban','pastrami','pastrami','chicken']
finished_sandwiches =
print('pastrami sandwiches are sold out.')
#while 'pastrami' in sandwich_orders:
# sandwich_orders.remove('pastrami')
#for sandwich_order in sandwich_orders:
while sandwich_orders:
sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()
if sandwich == "pastrami":
print('if you could visit one place in the world,where would you go?')
vacationlands = {}
places =
name = input('\nwhat is your name?')
while 1:
place = input('where is your vacationland?')
vacationlands[name] = places
otherplace = input('would you like other vacationland?(yes/no)')
if otherplace == 'no':
print('\n---poll results---')
for name,places in vacationlands.items():
print(name.title()+' likes to visit place is:')
for plac in places:
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