一 sqlite
簡單地說sqlite資料庫對應的就是乙個檔案(一般命名為***.db)。可以通過sqlite shell命令列來操作sqlite資料庫,也可以在其他的語言中通過api來操作sqlite資料庫。sqlite資料庫的訪問甚至不需要使用者名稱和密碼。
幫助:d:\sqlite_test>sqlite3.exe test.db
sqlite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
enter ".help" for instructions
enter sql statements terminated with a ";"
.backup ?db? file backup db (default "main") to file
.bail on|off stop after hitting an error. default off
.databases list names and files of attached databases
.dump ?table? ... dump the database in an sql text format
if table specified, only dump tables matching
like pattern table.
.echo on|off turn command echo on or off
.exit exit this program
.explain ?on|off? turn output mode suitable for explain on or off.
with no args, it turns explain on.
.header(s) on|off turn display of headers on or off
.help show this message
.import file table import data from file into table
.indices ?table? show names of all indices
if table specified, only show indices for tables
matching like pattern table.
.load file ?entry? load an extension library
.log file|off turn logging on or off. file can be stderr/stdout
.mode mode ?table? set output mode where mode is one of:
csv comma-separated values
column left-aligned columns. (see .width)
html html code
insert sql insert statements for table
line one value per line
list values delimited by .separator string
tabs tab-separated values
tcl tcl list elements
.nullvalue string print string in place of null values
.output filename send output to filename
.output stdout send output to the screen
.prompt main continue replace the standard prompts
.quit exit this program
.read filename execute sql in filename
.restore ?db? file restore content of db (default "main") from file
.schema ?table? show the create statements
if table specified, only show tables matching
like pattern table.
.separator string change separator used by output mode and .import
.show show the current values for various settings
.stats on|off turn stats on or off
.tables ?table? list names of tables
if table specified, only list tables matching
like pattern table.
.timeout ms try opening locked tables for ms milliseconds
.trace file|off output each sql statement as it is run
.vfsname ?aux? print the name of the vfs stack
.width num1 num2 ... set column widths for "column" mode
.timer on|off turn the cpu timer measurement on or off
二 使用sqlite
d:\sqlite_test>sqlite3.exe test.db
sqlite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
enter ".help" for instructions
enter sql statements terminated with a ";"
2) 建立表及插入資料
sqlite> create table mytable(name varchar(10), age smallint);
sqlite> insert into mytable values("itech", 5);
sqlite> insert into mytable values("jason", 10);
sqlite> select * from mytable;
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> .schema mytable
create table mytable(name varchar(10), age smallint);
4)資料庫匯出為ascii的sql檔案 + 重新匯入到新的資料庫
d:\sqlite_test>echo .dump | sqlite3 test.db > test.db.dump
d:\sqlite_test>type test.db.dump
pragma foreign_keys=off;
begin transaction;
create table mytable(name varchar(10), age smallint);
insert into "mytable" values('itech',5);
insert into "mytable" values('jason',10);
d:\sqlite_test>type test.db.dump | sqlite3 test2.db
d:\sqlite_test>sqlite3 test2.db
sqlite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
enter ".help" for instructions
enter sql statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> select * from mytable;
name age
---------- ----------
itech 5
jason 10
Sqlite3 資料庫使用
iphone本身是支援 sqlite3 資料庫的,在專案中匯入libsqlite3.dylib。並建立資料庫,在終端,建立資料庫的方式 mkdir sql 建立sql資料夾 cd sql 進入sql目錄下 sqlite3 student.sql 建立名為 student.sql的資料庫 建立表 插入...
1 開啟資料庫 1 需要制定資料庫的路徑 nsstring filepath nshomedirectory documents data.sqlite 2 建立資料庫的物件 sqlite3 qingyundb null 3 開啟命令 sqlite3 open dbfilepath utf8stri...
簡單的sqlite3語句,通過字串拼接執行資料庫操作。1.建立資料庫格式 db.execsql create table if not exists sharp id integer primary key,name varchar,level integer,high integer 其真正的有效...