查詢資料庫中滿足條件的特定行資料,在這裡主要給出三條查詢語句,其中第三條主要是針對sql server2005資料庫的,因為其中的row_number()函式只有在sql server2005中才支援。
一、select top 頁大小 * from table1 where (id not in (select top (頁大小-1)*每頁數 id from 表 order by id))order by id
例子:select top 10 * from table where (id not in (select top 20 id from table order by id))order by id
二、select top 頁大小 * from table1 where id>(select max (id) from (select top ((頁碼-1)*頁大小) id from table1 order by id) as t) order by id
例子:select top 10 * from table where id>(select max (id) from (select top 20 id from table order by id) as t) order by id
總結:二比一好,not in費時
三、select * from(select row_number() over(order by id) -1 as rownum,table * from
依據什麼排序 預設行號為-1+1=0 table) as d where rownum between 0 and 10 起始行 顯示多少行
例子:select * from(select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownum,table * from table) as d where rownum between 21 and 30
在需要輸出 使用者註冊數,或者插入資料之前判斷是否有重覆記錄的時候,就需要獲取滿足條件的mysql查詢的記錄數目。第一種方法 查詢時候直接統計 1 23 sql select count as count from table where id id result mysql fetch array...
資料庫的查詢總結 按條件查詢
簡單查詢 查詢所有字段 select from 表名 例 select from students 查詢指定字段 select 列1,列2,from 表名 例 select name from students 使用 as 給字段起別名 select id as 序號,name as 名字,gend...
mysql分頁和條件查詢 資料庫 條件查詢和分頁
productdao dao newproductdao 目的 就是想辦法封裝乙個pagebean 並返回 pagebean pagebean newpagebean 1 當前頁private int currentpage pagebean.setcurrentpage currentpage 2...