mysql常用命令之 使用者密碼修改

2021-09-07 08:03:44 字數 2538 閱讀 9624


create user 'user1'@'localhost' identified by 'pass1';

grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to 'user1'@'localhost';

grant all on *.* to 'user1'@'localhost';

1.修改root密碼 方法1:使用mysqladmin命令


語法:mysqladmin -u使用者名稱 -p舊密碼 password 新密碼

例如:# mysqladmin -u root -proot password mysql


# mysqladmin -u root -proot1 password mysql

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed

error: 'access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: yes)'



step 1: 修改mysql的登入設定

# vi /etc/my.cnf








step 2: 重新啟動mysql

[root@gc ~]# service mysql restart

shutting down mysql..[確定]

starting mysql...[確定]

step 3: 登入並修改mysql的root密碼


[root@gc ~]# mysql

welcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or \g.

your mysql connection id is 2

server version: 5.5.24 mysql community server (gpl)

oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its

affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective


type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> use mysql;

database changed

mysql> update user set password=password('new_password') where user='root';

query ok, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)

rows matched: 5 changed: 5 warnings: 0

mysql> flush privileges;

query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


[root@gc ~]# mysql

error 1045 (28000): access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: no)

step 4: 將mysql的登入設定修改回來


step 5: 重新啟動mysql

[root@gc ~]# service mysql restart

shutting down mysql..[確定]

starting mysql...[確定]

2.修改mysql其它使用者密碼 同樣,普通使用者也可以用上面的方法


[root@njdyw ~]# mysqladmin -u user1 -ppass1 password pass2


[root@njdyw ~]# mysql -u user1 -ppass1 –dmysql

mysql> update user set password=password('pass2') where user='user1';

mysql> flush privileges;

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