
2021-09-07 06:15:50 字數 1231 閱讀 4365


# coding: utf-8

import smtplib

from email.mime.text import mimetext

receivers_list=["[email protected]",]



sender_email="[email protected]"

#mail_pwd="*************" //有的需要,有的不需要

def send_email(subject, content, receivers_list):

print 'setting mimetext'

msg = mimetext(content.encode('utf8'), _subtype = 'html', _charset = 'utf8')

msg['from'] = sender_email

msg['subject'] = u'%s' % subject

msg['to'] = ",".join(receivers_list)


# s = smtplib.smtp_ssl(mail_host, 465) //有的需要,有的不需要

s = smtplib.smtp(mail_host, 25)

# s.connect(mail_host) //和上面的連線任選一種


#s.ehlo() //有的需要,有的不需要

#s.starttls() //有的需要,有的不需要


#s.login(mail_user, mail_pwd) //有的需要,有的不需要

s.sendmail(sender_email, receivers_list, msg.as_string())

print 'close the connection between the mail server'


except exception as e:

print 'exception: ', e

if __name__ == '__main__':

send_email("subject title", 'email content', receivers_list)


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html傳送郵件 Python傳送郵件(三十)

簡單郵件傳輸協議 smtp 是一種協議,用於在郵件伺服器之間傳送電子郵件和路由電子郵件。python提供smtplib模組,該模組定義了乙個smtp客戶端會話物件,可用於使用smtp或esmtp偵聽器守護程式向任何網際網路機器傳送郵件。這是乙個簡單的語法,用來建立乙個smtp物件,稍後將演示如何用它...

python 傳送郵件

coding utf 8 import smtplib from email.mime.text import mimetext from email.header import header 檔案形式的郵件 def email file mail host 郵箱伺服器 ma...