開源日誌系統log4cplus 二

2021-09-06 05:14:12 字數 3304 閱讀 9521


### 基本使用 ###

using namespace log4cplus;

using namespace log4cplus::helpers;

int main()


10/14/04 09:06:24  - this is the first log message... [main.cpp:31]

10/14/04 09:06:25  - this is the second log message... [main.cpp:33]

using namespace log4cplus;

using namespace log4cplus::helpers;

/* step 4: instantiate a logger object */

logger _logger = logger::getinstance("test");

/* log activity */

log4cplus_debug(_logger, "this is the first log message...")


log4cplus_warn(_logger, "this is the second log message...")

return 0;



debug - this is the first log message...

warn - this is the second log message...

/* step 4: instantiate a logger object */

logger _logger = logger::getinstance("test");

/* log activity */

log4cplus_trace(_logger, "this is"  << " just a t" << "est." << std::endl)

log4cplus_debug(_logger, "this is a bool: " << true)

log4cplus_info(_logger, "this is a char: " << 'x')

log4cplus_warn(_logger, "this is a int: " << 1000)

log4cplus_error(_logger, "this is a long(hex): " << std::hex << 100000000)

log4cplus_fatal(_logger, "this is a double: "  << std::setprecision(15)  << 1.2345234234)

return 0;



debug - this is a bool: 1

info - this is a char: x

warn - this is a int: 1000

error - this is a long(hex): 5f5e100

fatal - this is a double: 1.2345234234

using namespace log4cplus::helpers;
void printmsgs(void)

int main()


entering printmsgs()...

log4cplus:warn this is a warning...

log4cplus:error this is a error...

exiting printmsgs()...

turning on debug...

entering printmsgs()...

log4cplus: this is a debug statement...

log4cplus:warn this is a warning...

log4cplus:error this is a error...

exiting printmsgs()...

turning on quiet mode...

entering printmsgs()...

exiting printmsgs()...


: mutex(log4cplus_mutex_create),



prefix( log4cplus_text("log4cplus: ") ),

warn_prefix( log4cplus_text("log4cplus:warn ") ),

err_prefix( log4cplus_text("log4cplus:error ") )

using namespace log4cplus;
/* step 4: instantiate a logger object */

logger _logger = logger::getinstance("test.subtestof_filelog");

/* log activity */

int i;

for( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )

return 0;


debug - entering loop #0end line #

debug - entering loop #1end line #

debug - entering loop #2end line #

debug - entering loop #3end line #

debug - entering loop #4end line #

開源日誌系統 log4cplus 二

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