winrar e e:\rarfile.rar e:\ 'extract rar file
winrar a e:\mydir e:\ 'add rar file
system.disnogic.process 可以用來啟動乙個新的程序,而且在啟動新程序的時候可以代引數.
for exp:
order = "a " & newname & " " & filename
dim ps as system.diagnostics.process
ps = new system.diagnostics.process
ps.enableraisingevents = false
dim rarfile as fileinfo = new fileinfo(rarname)
if rarfile.exists then rarfile.delete()
ps.start("rar.exe", order)
usage: rar --
a add files to archive
c add archive comment
cf add files comment
cw write archive comment to file
d delete files from archive
e extract files to current directory
f freshen files in archive
i[par]=find string in archives
k lock archive
l[t,b] list archive [technical, bare]
m[f] move to archive [files only]
p print file to stdout
r repair archive
rc reconstruct missing volumes
rn rename archived files
rr[n] add data recovery record
rv[n] create recovery volumes
s[name|-] convert archive to or from sfx
t test archive files
u update files in archive
v[t,b] verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
x extract files with full path
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c 呼叫winrar解壓
之前用登錄檔呼叫總是出錯,所以這裡直接使用winrar的絕對路徑 利用 winrar 進行解壓縮 檔案解壓路徑 絕對 將要解壓縮的 rar 檔案的存放目錄 絕對路徑 將要解壓縮的 rar 檔名 包括字尾 public void unrar string path,string rarpath,str...
在ASP程式中呼叫Web Service
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