package main
import (
address = "localhost:502"
func main() tcptransporter: conn:closetimer:lastactivity:}}
newclient(handler) /*初始化tcpclienthandler物件*/
}type packager inte***ce
// transporter specifies the transport layer.
type transporter inte***ce
type sclient struct
type clienthandler inte***ce
func newclient(handler clienthandler) client /*返回該介面物件*/
}type client inte***ce
func newtcpclienthandler(address string) *tcpclienthandler //結構體是非引用傳遞,需要指標物件
h.address = address //ip位址+埠
h.timeout = tcptimeout
h.idletimeout = tcpidletimeout
return h
}const (
tcpprotocolidentifier uint16 = 0x0000
tcpheadersize = 7
tcpmaxlength = 260
// default tcp timeout is not set
tcptimeout = 10 * time.second
tcpidletimeout = 60 * time.second
)// tcppackager implements packager inte***ce.
type tcppackager struct
// tcptransporter implements transporter inte***ce.
type tcptransporter struct
// tcpclienthandler implements packager and transporter inte***ce.
type tcpclienthandler struct
經過幾天的努力 終於把陣列 賦值給結構體,pragma pack push 儲存原對齊並設定新的位元組對齊 pragma pack 1 typedef struct tnettopologyrecord nettopologyrecord,pnettopologyrecord pragma pack...
首先,定乙個乙個結構體 struct controlwindowmsg 定義乙個char型別字元陣列,並且賦值 char buf 4 buf 0 1 0xff buf 1 0 0xff buf 2 3 0xff buf 3 104 0xff 然後,將buf中的內容賦值給結構體 struct cont...
C 類 給結構體成員 函式指標 賦值
mystruct標頭檔案 mystruct.h class cmyclass struct mystruct cmyclass標頭檔案 class cmyclass cmyclass實現 cpp檔案 void cmyclass myclassinit memcpy mystr,mystr1 size...