
2021-09-05 07:55:15 字數 4262 閱讀 4500

1 根據條件查總數


count(*) all_sum, if(sum(if(problem_state in (1,2),1,0)) is null,0,sum(if(problem_state in (1,2),1,0))) problem_num,

if(sum(if(problem_state=3,1,0)) is null,0,sum(if(problem_state=3,1,0))) handled_num

from problem_feedback where

problem_state in (1,2,3) and

date_format(problem_find_time,'%y-%m-%d') = # and

department_id in


select hours,sum(count) count ,sum(rank) rank from (


case when hour(problem_find_time)in(0,1,2) or null then '0-2點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(3,4,5) or null then '3-5點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(6,7,8) or null then '6-8點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(9,10,11) or null then '9-11點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(12,13,14) or null then '12-14點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(15,16,17) or null then '15-17點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(18,19,20) or null then '18-20點'

when hour(problem_find_time)in(21,22,23) or null then '21-23點'

end as `hours` ,count(hour(problem_find_time)) count,0 as rank

from problem_feedback where

problem_state in


date_format(problem_find_time,'%y-%m-%d') = # and

department_id in

#group by hours

union select '0-2點'hours , 0 count,1 rank

union select '3-5點' hours , 0 count,2 rank

union select '6-8點' hours, 0 count,3 rank

union select '9-11點' hours, 0 count,4 rank

union select '12-14點' hours, 0 count,5 rank

union select '15-17點' hours, 0 count,6 rank

union select '18-20點' hours, 0 count,7 rank

union select '21-23點' hours, 0 count,8 rank

)aagroup by hours

order by rank


select week,sum(num) num from (

select week ,sum(num) num from(

select weekday(problem_find_time) week,count(problem_find_time) num

from problem_feedback where problem_find_time is not null

andproblem_state in


date_format(problem_find_time,'%y-%m-%d') between # and # and

department_id in

#group by  weekday(problem_handle_time)) aa group by week


select 0 week,0 num


select 1 week,0 num


select 2 week,0 num


select 3 week,0 num


select 4 week,0 num


select 5 week,0 num


select 6 week,0 num) aa

group by week

4  月報表

select time , sum(num) total from (

select date_format(problem_find_time,'%d')  time ,count(problem_find_time) num

from problem_feedback where problem_find_time is not null

andproblem_state in


date_format(problem_find_time,'%y-%m') = # and

department_id in

#group by date_format(problem_find_time,'%y-%m-%d')

union select '01' as time,'0' as sum

union select '02' as time,'0' as sum

union select '03' as time,'0' as sum

union select '04' as time,'0' as sum

union select '05' as time,'0' as sum

union select '06' as time,'0' as sum

union select '07' as time,'0' as sum

union select '08' as time,'0' as sum

union select '09' as time,'0' as sum

union select '10' as time,'0' as sum

union select '11' as time,'0' as sum

union select '12' as time,'0' as sum

union select '13' as time,'0' as sum

union select '14' as time,'0' as sum

union select '15' as time,'0' as sum

union select '16' as time,'0' as sum

union select '17' as time,'0' as sum

union select '18' as time,'0' as sum

union select '19' as time,'0' as sum

union select '20' as time,'0' as sum

union select '21' as time,'0' as sum

union select '22' as time,'0' as sum

union select '23' as time,'0' as sum

union select '24' as time,'0' as sum

union select '25' as time,'0' as sum

union select '26' as time,'0' as sum

union select '27' as time,'0' as sum

union select '28' as time,'0' as sum

union select '29' as time,'0' as sum

union select '30' as time,'0' as sum

union select '31' as time,'0' as sum )aa group by time



插入錶值 insert into values insert into 表名x 列名1 列名2 列名3 values where條件剔除與匹配 where x.nvl biz cd,0 notin 2817 2818 存在空值時用nvl補全 and x.bank acct num not like ...

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報表統計 sql面試題

有3張表 學生表 s 字段 學生編號 學生姓名 課程表 c 字段 課程編號 課程名稱 成績表 sc 字段 學生編號 課程編號 分數 需要實現最終效果如下 後面有些課程省略沒有截圖了 實現的方法 方法一 select max s.name as姓名,max case when sc.cid 1 the...