名稱 原型 說明
stoi int stoi (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
int stoi (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10); convert string to integer (function template )
stol long stol (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
long stol (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10); convert string to long int (function template)
stoul unsigned long stoul (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
unsigned long stoul (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10); convert string to unsigned integer (function template)
stoll long long stoll (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
long long stoll (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10); convert string to long long (function template)
stoull unsigned long long stoull (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
unsigned long long stoull (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10); convert string to unsigned long long (function template)
stof float stof (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0);
float stof (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0); convert string to float (function template )
stod double stod (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0);
double stod (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0); convert string to double (function template )
stold long double stold (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0);
long double stold (const wstring& str, size_t* idx = 0); convert string to long double (function template)
string to_string (int val);
string to_string (long val);
string to_string (long long val);
string to_string (unsigned val);
string to_string (unsigned long val);
string to_string (unsigned long long val);
string to_string (float val);
string to_string (double val);
string to_string (long double val);
c 數字與字串的相互轉換
首先推薦用用c 的stringstream。主要原因是操作簡單。數字轉字串,int float型別 同理 include include int main 字串轉數字,int float型別 同理 int main 上面方法的優點就是使用簡單方便,確定可能會相對別的方法來說慢一點,但是一般少量的資料...
c 數字與字串的相互轉換
首先推薦用用c 的stringstream。主要原因是操作簡單。數字轉字串,int float型別 同理 include include int main 字串轉數字,int float型別 同理 int main 上面方法的優點就是使用簡單方便,確定可能會相對別的方法來說慢一點,但是一般少量的資料...
c 數字與字串的相互轉換
首先推薦用用c 的stringstream。主要原因是操作簡單。0x00 字串轉數字 zcj 14.cpp 該程式是乙個序號產生器,原理是對輸入的字元每個與2求異或的結果取低位即為序號產生器。先輸入乙個字元陣列在轉化的int陣列再逐個與2求異或後儲存 include pch.h include in...