datas segment;此處輸入資料段**
buf db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
res1 dw ?
res2 db ?
res3 db ?
datas ends
stacks segment
stacks ends
codes segment
assume cs:codes,ds:datas,ss:stacks
mov ax,datas
mov ds,ax
;巨集 顯示乙個字元
dispchar macro char
mov ah,2
mov dl,char
int 21h
;巨集 顯示字串
dispmsg macro message
mov ah,9
lea dx,message
int 21h
;巨集 顯示十六進製制數的四位
disphex macro hexdata
local disphex1
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx,hexdata
mov cx,0404h
disphex1: rol bx,cl
mov al,bl
and al,0fh
call htoasc
dispchar al
dec ch
jnz disphex1
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov cx,lengthof buf
mov bx,0h
lea si,buf
mov al,byte ptr [si]
adc bx,ax
inc si
loop again
mov word ptr res1,bx
disphex bx
mov ax,bx
mov cl,lengthof buf
div cl
mov res2,al
mov res3,ah
disphex ax
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
htoasc proc
push bx
mov bx,offset ascii
and al,0fh
xlat ascii
pop bx
retascii db 30h,31h,32h,33h,34h,35h,36h,37h,38h,39h
db 41h,42h,43h,44h,45h,46h
htoasc endp
codes ends
end start
資料的求和 求均
datas segment 此處輸入資料段 buf db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99 res1 dw res2 db res3 db datas ends stacks segment 此處輸入堆疊段 stacks ends c...
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oracle中累計求和 oracle累計求和
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