
2021-09-02 09:08:47 字數 1537 閱讀 3309



select username,sid,serial# from v$session


username          sid                serial#

netbnew          513              22974

netbnew          514              18183

netbnew          516              21573

netbnew          531              9

wuzhq             532              4562



alter system kill session'532,4562'


drop user username cascade

(**)如果在drop 後還提示ora-01940:無法刪除當前已鏈結的使用者,說明還有連線的session,可以通過檢視session的狀態來確定該session是否被kill 了,用如下語句檢視:

select saddr,sid,serial#,paddr,username,status from v$session where username is not null


saddr                     sid           serial#            paddr              username              status

564a1e28              513           22974            569638f4        netbnew             active

564a30dc              514          18183            569688cc        netbnew            inactive

564a5644              516           21573            56963340        netbnew            inactive

564b6ed0              531           9                   56962d8c        netbnew            inactive

564b8184              532          4562               56a1075c        wuzhq                killed

status 為要刪除使用者的session狀態,如果還為inactive,說明沒有被kill掉,如果狀態為killed,說明已kill。



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