C 執行R檔案的簡單示例

2021-09-02 02:43:07 字數 2549 閱讀 4937

using rdotnet;

using rdotnet.nativelibrary;

using statconnectorclntlib;

using statconnectorcommonlib;

using statconnectorsrvlib;


public partial class formcalculate : form

private void formimportdata_load(object sender, eventargs e)

catch (exception ex)

//thread thread = new thread(new threadstart(backgrounddeal));

}private void backgrounddeal(object sender, doworkeventargs e)


#region 執行指令碼

this.tslblmsg.text = "正在執行指令碼語言...";

//symbolicexpression tt;

engine.evaluate(string.format("source('')", rscript));


#region 顯示資料

this.tslblmsg.text = "正在載入處理結果...";

if (!file.exists(filename))

string extision = system.io.path.getextension(filename);

if (extision.tolower().equals(".csv"))//csv檔案


this.invoke(new action(delegate)", data_old.rows.count);



this.tslblmsg.text = "";

}catch (exception ex)

}private void runcompleted(object sender,runworkercompletedeventargs e)

/// /// 開始處理




private void toolstripbutton1_click(object sender, eventargs e)

);"greetings", charvec);

"str(greetings)"); // print out in the console

//string a = engine.evaluate("『hi there .net, from the r engine『").ascharacter().tostring();

// statconnector sc1 = new statconnectorsrvlib.statconnectorclass();

symbolicexpression tt;

try')", rscript));


}catch (exception ex)


//symbolicexpression tt = engine.evaluate("license()");//有返回值

//symbolicexpression tt= engine.evaluate(string.format("source('')", rscript));


}catch (exception ex)

}/// /// 返回datatable的前nrow行





private datatable getsubsetfromdatatable(datatable dt,int nrow)

return table;

}/// /// 檢視結果




private void tsbtnrenew_click(object sender, eventargs e)

string extision = system.io.path.getextension(filename);

if (extision.tolower().equals(".csv"))//csv檔案


this.dgvdata.datasource = data_old;

= string.format("處理結果()", data_old.rows.count);

}catch (exception ex)

}private void dgvdata_sortcompare(object sender, datagridviewsortcompareeventargs e)



先寫乙個c語言 檔案mstore.c內容如下 include long mult2 long long void multstore long x,long y,long dest 在命令列使用 s 選項,就能看到c語言編譯器產生的彙編 ps e vs code vs code c chapter ...

簡單C 事件示例

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