public float score()
public scorer scorer(indexreader reader) throws ioexception
private void opennorms(directory cfsdir, int readbuffersize) throws ioexception
if (fi.isindexed && !fi.omitnorms)
// singlenormfile means multiple norms share this file
boolean singlenormfile = filename.endswith("." + indexfilenames.norms_extension);
indexinput norminput = null;
long normseek;
if (singlenormfile)
// all norms in the .nrm file can share a single indexinput since
// they are only used in a synchronized context.
// if this were to change in the future, a clone could be done here.
norminput = singlenormstream;
} else
norms.put(, new norm(norminput, singlenormfile, fi.number, normseek));
nextnormseek += maxdoc; // increment also if some norms are separate}}
public void setnorm(int doc, string field, float value)
throws stalereaderexception, corruptindexexception, lockobtainfailedexception, ioexception
lucene2 4原始碼學習1
先來看看lucene的總體情況 img 可以看到lucene 行數是36099行,一共344個類。當然注釋也有18302行。是 行數的一半,這個其實是很好的,但是對於英文不好的我表示比較蛋疼。而且indexwrite有2000多行 有點多,還好這樣的模擬較少,絕大多數都是200行以下。這點也是給了不...
今天來談下有關在lucene中,如何完成乙個搜尋的過程,用過lucene的朋友都會經常用到如下的一段 query query parser.parse searchtext 解析構建query樹 topdocs td query,100 檢索的入口,限制返回結果集100 ...
9 學習Lucene3 5索引搜尋之其他搜尋
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