if object_id ('p_jcxx_humanqueryhumanid') is not null
drop procedure p_jcxx_humanqueryhumanid
-- 傳入的主健id,返回的是引用行數
create procedure p_jcxx_humanqueryhumanid @humanid nvarchar(128),
@totalcount int output
as set nocount off
declare @num int;
declare @sql nvarchar(512);
declare @ptab nvarchar(50);
declare @pcol nvarchar(50);
declare @ftab nvarchar(50);
declare @fcol nvarchar(50);
declare @hmid nvarchar(50); -- 人力監控id
declare @lgid nvarchar(50); -- 人力登陸id
create table #t(
ptab nvarchar(128),
pcol nvarchar(128),
ftab nvarchar(128),
fcol nvarchar(128)
); select @hmid=humanmonitorid, @lgid=loginid from human where humanid = @humanid;
insert into #t
select rtable.name ptab, cn.name pcol, ftable.name ftab, fkcn.name fcol
from sysforeignkeys inner
join sysobjects ftable on sysforeignkeys.fkeyid = ftable.id inner
join sysobjects rtable on sysforeignkeys.rkeyid = rtable.id inner
join syscolumns fkcn on sysforeignkeys.fkeyid = fkcn.id and sysforeignkeys.fkey = fkcn.colid inner
join syscolumns cn on sysforeignkeys.rkeyid = cn.id and sysforeignkeys.rkey = cn.colid
where rtable.name in ('human')
-- 主表名,主列名,外表名,外列名(資料庫未建立外來鍵,但數值是屬於外健,手動指定)
insert into #t (ptab,pcol,ftab,fcol)
select 'human','humanid','monitormodifyhistory','humanid' union
select 'human','humanid','typicalpart','designer';
declare datas cursor for select * from #t
open datas;
fetch next from datas into @ptab,@pcol,@ftab,@fcol
while @@fetch_status=0
if @pcol ='humanid'
set @sql = 'select @i=count(' + @fcol + ') from [' + @ftab + '] where ' + @fcol + ' = '''+ @humanid + '''';
if @pcol ='loginid'
set @sql = 'select @i=count(' + @fcol + ') from [' + @ftab + '] where ' + @fcol + ' = '''+ @lgid + '''';
if @pcol ='humanmonitorid'
set @sql = 'select @i=count(' + @fcol + ') from [' + @ftab + '] where ' + @fcol + ' = '''+ @hmid + '''';
if @sql is not null
exec sp_executesql @sql, n'@i int output',@num output
if @num >0
set @totalcount = @totalcount + @num;
fetch next from datas into @ptab,@pcol,@ftab,@fcol
close datas;
deallocate datas;;
對於陣列的引用問題,我們在實際使用中不是很多,但是如果你做好的引用準備,你必須考慮好如何地進行初始化操作,如下 主程式private sub exam1 dim s as byte redim s 5 reada s 呼叫 end sub 子程式private sub reada byval ms ...
利用指標的指標,修改被調函式的區域性值 傳引用
說明 利用指標的指標可以允許被呼叫函式修改區域性指標變數和處理指標陣列。傳引用,可修改被調函式區域性值。傳值,不可修改被調函式區域性值。看 呼叫方法一 傳引用 可以修改外部變數 includeusing namespace std 函式功能 找第乙個負值 方法一 void findcredit in...
C 初學記錄(動態規劃 被3整除的子串行)
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