
2021-09-01 08:45:05 字數 811 閱讀 8161

int timezone = 8;

int daylight = 1; //0 or 1

double lat = 30;

doubel lng = 130;

method method = method.egypt_survey.copy();


location location = new location(lat, lng, timezone, daylight);

jitl itl = new jitl(location, method);

gregoriancalendar day = new gregoriancalendar();

prayer prayers = itl.getprayertimes(day).getprayers();

最後返回的payers資料便是一天6次的禮拜時間,其中有多種 method 計算方法供選擇:

method.egypt_survey, method.karachi_shaf, method.karachi_hanaf, method.north_america, method.muslim_league, method.umm_alqurra, method.fixed_ishaa, method.none


rounding.none, rounding.normal, rounding.special, rounding.agressive

matlab 時間計算

matlab 時間函式 2008 11 13 22 51 time and dates.時間個日期 current date and time.當前時間和日期 now 當前日期時間數字 current date and time as date number.date 當前日期字串 current ...

sql 時間計算

兩個時間之差的合計 declare i int set i datediff ms,getdate rand 24,getdate select convert varchar 10 i 86400000 days convert varchar 10 i 86400000 3600000 hour...


time t 獲得時間只能精確到 秒,clock t 獲得時間能夠精確到毫秒 include clock t start,ends start clock system pause ends clock cout code highlighting produced by actipro codeh...