create or replace function f_productcard( str_in in varchar2 )--分類字段
return varchar2
is str_list varchar2(4000) default null;--連線後字串
str varchar2(20) default null;--連線符號
strvar1 varchar2(40) default null ; --訂單號
strvar2 varchar2(40) default null ; --卡號
for x in ( select t.orderno,t.agric_card_no from v_send_product1 t where t.orderno = str_in ) loop
if(strvar1=x.orderno and strvar2=x.agric_card_no) then
str_list :=str_list;
str_list :=str_list||str||x.agric_card_no;
end if ;
str := ' | ';
strvar1 :=x.orderno;
strvar2 :=x.agric_card_no ;
end loop;
return str_list;
end ;
create or replace procedure pro_farmproductranking(v1 in char,v2 in char,saletime_cur out sale_pack.sale_cur,v3 in char) is
open saletime_cur for
select rownum as id,a."order_id",a."productname",a."quantity",a."fee",null as statice_time from (
select rank() over
( order by sum(a.quantity) desc) order_id,--排名
sum(a.quantity) quantity,--成交總數量
sum(a.quantity*a.price) fee--成交總金額
from product b,--產品
order_item a,--訂單詳細
sales_order c
where a.productid=b.productid(+) and c.orderid=a.orderid and c.orderstatus=6 and to_char(c.updatetime,'yyyymmdd')>=v1 and to_char(c.updatetime,'yyyymmdd')<=v2 and b.productname like v3
and b.producttypeid='11'
group by b.productname) a
union all
select null as id,null as order_id,'合計'as productname,sum(quantity),sum(fee),null as statice_time from
( select rownum as id,a."order_id",a."productname",a."quantity",a."fee",null as statice_time from (
select rank() over
( order by sum(a.quantity) desc) order_id,--排名
sum(a.quantity) quantity,--成交總數量
sum(a.quantity*a.price) fee--成交總金額
from order_item a,--訂單詳細
product b,--產品
sales_order c
where a.productid=b.productid(+) and c.orderid=a.orderid and c.orderstatus=6 and to_char(c.updatetime,'yyyymmdd')>=v1 and to_char(c.updatetime,'yyyymmdd')<=v2 and b.productname like v3
and b.producttypeid='11'
group by b.productname) a
)b;end pro_farmproductranking ;
create or replace package sale_pack as
type sale_cur is ref cursor;
end sale_pack;
引用 儲存過程呼叫 drop procedure if exists pro rep shadow rs delimiter rep shadow rs 用來處理資訊的增加,更新和刪除 每次只更新上次以來沒有做過的資料 根據不同的標誌位 需要乙個輸出的引數,如果返回為0,則呼叫失敗,事務回滾 如果返...
引用 儲存過程呼叫 drop procedure if exists pro rep shadow rs delimiter rep shadow rs 用來處理資訊的增加,更新和刪除 每次只更新上次以來沒有做過的資料 根據不同的標誌位 需要乙個輸出的引數,如果返回為0,則呼叫失敗,事務回滾 如果返...
建立儲存過程執行刪除操作 alter procedure dbo ad preempted timer asdeclare pid varchar 32 declare times date declare nowtime date declare difftime int 定義乙個游標 decla...