create user and grant
- 建立使用者 create user
create user語法:create user user [identified by [password] 'password']
- 建立使用者並設定許可權create user 使用者名稱 identified by '密碼'; //預設% 可以從其他主機訪問,但不能從本地訪問
create user '使用者名稱'@'%' identified by '密碼'; //和上一句一樣
create user '使用者名稱'@'localhost' identified by '密碼'; //只能主機訪問
下面的示例使用create user和grant語句來設定四個帳戶:
下乙個示例建立三個帳戶,並授予它們訪問特定資料庫的許可權。他們都具有使用者名稱custom和密碼obscure:mysql> create user 'finley'@'localhost' identified by
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to
-> with grant option;
mysql> create user 'finley'@'%' identified by
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to
-> with grant option;
mysql> create user 'admin'@'localhost' identified by
mysql> grant reload,process on *.* to
mysql> create user 'dummy'@'localhost';
mysql> create user 'custom'@'localhost' identified by
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop
-> on bankaccount.*
-> to
mysql> create user 'custom'@'host47.example.com' identified by
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop
-> on expenses.*
-> to
mysql> create user 'custom'@'%.example.com' identified by
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop
-> on customer.*
-> to
mysql> show grants for 'admin'@'localhost';
mysql> drop user 'jeffrey'@'localhost';
root 修改其他使用者修改自己的密碼mysql> set password for
-> 'jeffrey'@'localhost' = password('mypass');
mysql> set password = password('mypass');
你還可以在全域性級別使用grant usage語句(on *.*
mysql> grant usage on *.* to 'jeffrey'@'%' identified by 'biscuit';
shell> mysqladmin -u user_name -h host_name password "new_password"
本文主要講述的是mysql grant命令的例項演示,文中的mysql grant命令的實際操作主要是在mysql 5.0 及以上的相關版本上執行,下面就是對其具體操作步驟的描述,望你在瀏覽之後會有所收穫。mysql 賦予使用者許可權命令的簡單格式可概括為 grant 許可權 on 資料庫物件 to...
mysql 許可權管理
1.新增使用者 方法一 create user wangda localhost identified by password 000000 說明 建立乙個本地的使用者,使用者名為 wangda 密碼為 000000 如果密碼為空,則 identified by password 000000 這個...
mysqladmin u root p password leftpassword 無密碼的話直接回車 任意主機登入host換成 create user username host identified by password privileges all 代表所有許可權 表示全部的資料庫 gran...