with tmp_file as (
select t1.file,
(pg_stat_file(t1.file)).modification as last_update_time,
round( ((pg_stat_file(t1.file)).size)/1024/1024*1.0,1) as log_size_mb
from (select dir||'\'||pg_ls_dir(t0.dir) as file,
pg_ls_dir(t0.dir) as file_ls
from ( select 'd:\highgo\database\4.3.2\data\pg_xlog'::text as dir --需要修改這個物理路徑
) t0
) t1
where 1=1
order by (pg_stat_file(file)).modification desc
select to_char(date_trunc('day',tf0.last_update_time),'yyyymmdd') as day_id,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=0 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <24 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_all,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=0 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <1 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_00_01,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=1 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <2 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_01_02,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=2 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <3 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_02_03,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=3 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <4 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_03_04,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=4 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <5 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_04_05,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=5 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <6 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_05_06,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=6 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <7 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_06_07,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=7 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <8 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_07_08,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=8 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <9 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_08_09,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=9 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_09_10,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=10 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <11 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_10_11,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=11 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <12 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_11_12,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=12 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <13 then 1 else 0 end) as wal_num_12_13,
sum(case when date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) >=13 and date_part('hour',tf0.last_update_time) <
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