
2021-09-29 11:40:09 字數 3452 閱讀 6255



select e.hiredate + 30/24/60/60 + 20/24/60 + 5/24 as hiredate from emp e where rownum <= 1;        1980/12/17 5:20:30

select e.hiredate + 30/24/60/60 + 20/24/60 as hiredate from emp e where rownum <= 1;                    1980/12/17 0:20:30

select e.hiredate + 30/24/60/60 as hiredate from emp e where rownum <= 1;                                      1980/12/17 0:00:30

select v.hiredate,

to_char(v.hiredate,'hh24') 時字元, --05

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate,'hh24')) 時數字, --5

to_char(v.hiredate, 'mi') 分字元, --20

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate, 'mi')) 分數字, --20

to_char(v.hiredate, 'ss') 秒字元, --30

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate, 'ss')) 秒數字,--30

to_char(v.hiredate, 'dd') 日字元, --17

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate, 'dd')) 日數字,--17

to_char(v.hiredate, 'mm') 月字元, --12

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate, 'mm')) 月數字,--12

to_char(v.hiredate, 'yyyy') 年字元, --1980

to_number(to_char(v.hiredate, 'yyyy')) 年數字,--1980

trunc(v.hiredate, 'yy') 年初, --1980/1/1

trunc(v.hiredate, 'day') 周初, --1980/12/14

trunc(v.hiredate, 'month') 月初, --1980/12/1

trunc(v.hiredate, 'dd') 一天之處, -- 1980/12/17

to_char(v.hiredate, 'day') 週幾, --星期三

to_char(v.hiredate, 'month') 月份, --12月

last_day(v.hiredate) 月末, --1980/12/31 5:20:30

add_months(trunc(v.hiredate, 'mm'), 1) 下月初 --1981/1/1

from (select e.hiredate + 30/24/60/60 + 20/24/60 + 5/24 as hiredate from emp e where rownum <= 1) v



select trunc(e.hiredate, 'yy') 年初 from emp e where e.empno = 7788           1987/1/1

select add_months(trunc(e.hiredate, 'yy'),1) 二月初 from emp e where e.empno = 7788     1987/2/1

select last_day(add_months(trunc(e.hiredate, 'yy'),1)) 二月底 from emp e where e.empno = 7788   1987/2/28

select to_char(last_day(add_months(trunc(e.hiredate, 'yy'),1)), 'dd') 二月最後一日 from emp e where e.empno = 7788      28



with x as(

select trunc(sysdate, 'y')+ (level -1) dy

from dual

connect by level <= add_months (trunc(sysdate, 'y'),12) - trunc(sysdate, 'y'))

select dy, to_char(dy, 'day') as 周五 from x where to_char(dy, 'd') = 6

列舉使用 connect by level 


with x1 as 

(select to_date('2013-06-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as cur_date from dual),

x2 as (select trunc(cur_date, 'mm') as 月初,

add_months(trunc(cur_date,'mm'), 1) as 下月初

from x1),

x3 as (select 月初 + (level - 1) as 日 from x2 connect by level <= (下月初 - 月初)),

x4 as (select to_char(日, 'iw') 所在周,

to_char(日, 'dd') 日期,

to_number(to_char(日, 'd')) 週幾

from x3)

select max(case 週幾 when 2 then 日期 end) 周一,

max(case 週幾 when 3 then 日期 end) 周二,

max(case 週幾 when 4 then 日期 end) 週三,

max(case 週幾 when 5 then 日期 end) 周四,

max(case 週幾 when 6 then 日期 end) 周五,

max(case 週幾 when 7 then 日期 end) 週六,

max(case 週幾 when 1 then 日期 end) 週日

from x4

group by 所在周

order by 所在周

with x as (select to_date('2013-06-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd') + (level - 1) as d 

from dual

connect by level <= 5)

select d, to_char(d, 'day') as day, to_char(d, 'iw') as iw from x


v base time0 date v base time date v starttime number 10 begin v base time0 to date 1970 01 01 00 00 00 yyyy mm dd hh24 mi ss v base time to date to c...


select,,select count 1 from cds002 message me where me.doc id and me.createdate like to date 2015 7 8 yyyy mm dd cnum,select count 1 f...


公司用oracle的資料庫,以前直接存實體的時候沒出現時間轉換問題。昨天,手寫sql語句 不是hql 時,傳date型別的資料給時間列,oracle報錯,不能識別,語句無效。解決方法共享 方法一 把date型別的資料,用 dateformat將date型別轉換成string 型別 dateforma...