這種問題,最大的可能就是資料寫入redis的資源配置不合理,資料量太大,超過了redis能承受的。19/10/16 11:22:06 error yarnclusterscheduler: lost executor 28 on **********: container marked as failed: container_********** on host: **********. exit status: 137. diagnostics: container killed on request. exit code is 137 killed by external signal
19/10/16 11:32:59 error yarnclusterscheduler: lost executor 38 on container marked as failed: container_********** on host: **********. exit status: 137. diagnostics: container killed on request. exit code is 137 killed by external signal
19/10/16 11:40:27 error yarnclusterscheduler: lost executor 39 on **********: container marked as failed: container_1567762627991_1638740_01_000343 on host: **********. exit status: 137. diagnostics: container killed on request. exit code is 137 killed by external signal
19/10/16 11:49:29 error yarnclusterscheduler: lost executor 40 on **********: container marked as failed: container********** on host: **********. exit status: 137. diagnostics: container killed on request. exit code is 137 killed by external signal
19/10/16 11:49:29 error tasksetmanager: task 51 in stage 4.0 failed 4 times; aborting job
driver stack trace:
org.apache.spark.sparkexception: job aborted due to stage failure: task 51 in stage 4.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: lost task 51.3 in stage 4.0 (tid 160, **********, executor 40): executor lost failure (executor 40 exited caused by one of the running tasks) reason: container marked as failed: container_********** on host: exit status: 137. diagnostics: container killed on request. exit code is 137 killed by external signal
使用spark 2.0的scala api,使用jedis客戶端api,dependency如下:
推薦使用了pipe進行批量插入,批量插入效率與逐條插入效率差異非常大。但是批量插入有個非常大的坑。上面的**中,如果一次性批量插入了整個partition的資料,恰巧單個partition的資料量非常大(超過了redis pipline 的寫入速度 或者 timeout),會導致redis記憶體溢位(或者timeout),導致服務不可用!sampledata.repartition(500).foreachpartition(
rows => )
建立乙個sparksession物件 val sparksession sparksession.builder createdf2 master local getorcreate val rdd sparksession.sparkcontext.textfile c data person.t...
使用Python寫spark 示例
python寫spark我認為唯一的理由就是 你要做資料探勘,ai相關的工作。因為很多做數挖的他們的基礎語言都是python,他們如果重新學scala比較耗時,而且,python他的強大類庫是他的優勢,很多演算法庫只有python有。python的安裝 解壓python包,在環境變數裡面配上bin的...
Spark(六) Spark計算模型
整個spark框架都是基於rdd運算元來進行計算的。what is rdd?resilient distributed dataset rdd 分布式彈性資料集,是spark上的乙個核心抽象 表示用於平行計算的,不可修改的,對資料集合進行分片的資料結構 簡單地,可以將rdd看成是spark平台上的通...