global type gf_money from function_object
end type
forward prototypes
global function string gf_money (decimal data)
end prototypes
global function string gf_money (decimal data);constant string ls_bit = "萬仟佰拾億仟佰拾萬仟佰拾元角分"
constant string ls_num = "壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖"
long lmax = len( ls_bit ) + 1
string ls_je, ls_dw, ls_result = ''
long ll_len, i, k
ls_je = string( data, "#############.00" )
ll_len = len( ls_je ) - 1
ls_je = replace( ls_je, ll_len - 1, 1, '' )
for i = ll_len to 1 step -1
lmax -= 2
ls_dw = mid( ls_bit, lmax, 2 )
k = long( mid( ls_je, i, 1 ) )
if k = 0 then
choose case ls_dw
case '元','萬','億'
ls_result = ls_dw + ls_result
case '分'
ls_result = '整'
case '角'
if ls_result <> '整' then ls_result = '零' + ls_result
case else
choose case left( ls_result, 2 )
case '萬', '億', '元', '零'
case else
ls_result = '零' + ls_result
end choose
end choose
ls_result = mid( ls_num, k * 2 - 1, 2 ) + ls_dw + ls_result
end if
return ls_result
end function
global type gf_money2 from function_object
end type
forward prototypes
global function string gf_money2 (decimal data, string lx)
end prototypes
global function string gf_money2 (decimal data, string lx);//
//// 將錢數轉化為大寫
constant string ls_bit = "萬仟佰拾億仟佰拾萬仟佰拾元角分"
constant string ls_num = "壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖"
long lmax = len( ls_bit ) + 1
string ls_je, ls_dw, ls_result = ''
long ll_len, i, k
ls_je = string( data, "#############.00" )
ll_len = len( ls_je ) - 1
ls_je = replace( ls_je, ll_len - 1, 1, '' )
for i = ll_len to 1 step -1
lmax -= 2
ls_dw = mid( ls_bit, lmax, 2 )
k = long( mid( ls_je, i, 1 ) )
if k = 0 then
choose case ls_dw
case '元','萬','億'
ls_result = ls_dw + ls_result
case '分'
ls_result = '整'
case '角'
if ls_result <> '整' then ls_result = '零' + ls_result
case else
choose case left( ls_result, 2 )
case '萬', '億', '元', '零'
case else
ls_result = '零' + ls_result
end choose
end choose
ls_result = mid( ls_num, k * 2 - 1, 2 )
end if
if lx=ls_dw then
return ls_result
end if
return "error"
end function
q 在與財務相關的應用中,經常會用到人民幣金額的大寫,比如發票的列印程式。本題的任務是 從鍵盤輸入乙個十億以內的正整數 int型別 把它轉換為人民幣金額大寫 不考慮使用者輸入錯誤的情況 比如,使用者輸入 35201,程式輸出 叄萬伍仟貳佰零壹 使用者輸入 30201,程式輸出 叄萬零貳佰零壹 使用者...
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