pb 開啟檔案,寫入檔案

2021-09-28 11:34:03 字數 2243 閱讀 1811


global type gf_readfile from function_object

end type

forward prototypes

global function blob gf_readfile (string as_path, string as_file)

end prototypes

global function blob gf_readfile (string as_path, string as_file);integer li_filenum, loops, i//wxk20110214

long flen, bytes_read, new_pos

blob b, tot_b


flen = filelength(as_path)


li_filenum = fileopen(as_path,streammode!, read!, lockread!)


if flen > 32765 then

if mod(flen, 32765) = 0 then

loops = flen/32765


loops = (flen/32765) + 1

end if


loops = 1

end if

new_pos = 1


for i = 1 to loops

bytes_read = fileread(li_filenum, b)

tot_b = tot_b + b




return tot_b

end function


global type gf_writefile from function_object

end type

forward prototypes

global function integer gf_writefile (string as_file_name, blob ab_to_write)

end prototypes

global function integer gf_writefile (string as_file_name, blob ab_to_write);integer li_filenum, loops, i

long flen, bytes_read//, new_pos

blob b

flen = len(ab_to_write)

li_filenum = fileopen(as_file_name,streammode!, write!,lockreadwrite!,replace! )

if li_filenum < 0 then

// if not this.del(as_file_name) then

// return -1

// else

li_filenum = fileopen(as_file_name,streammode!, write!,lockreadwrite!,replace! )

if li_filenum < 0 then

return -2

end if

// end if

end if

if flen > 32765 then

if mod(flen, 32765) = 0 then

loops = flen/32765


loops = (flen/32765) + 1

end if


loops = 1

end if

//new_pos = 1

for i = 1 to loops

filewrite(li_filenum,blobmid(ab_to_write,32765 * (i - 1) + 1,32765 ))



return 1

end function


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C 檔案操作 開啟檔案和寫入檔案

如果程式的執行結果僅僅顯示在螢幕上,當要再次檢視結果時,必須將程式重新執行一遍 而且,這個結果也不能被保留。如果希望程式的執行結果能夠永久保留下來,供隨時查閱或取用,則需要將其儲存在檔案中。外部檔案和內部檔案 外部檔案 指磁碟檔案,也是通常所謂的檔案。內部檔案 指在程式中執行的檔案,更正式的稱謂是 ...