show index from book;
show keys from book;
show create table book;
select concat('alter table ',i.table_name,' drop index ',i.index_name,' ;')
from information_schema.statistics i
where table_schema = '庫名' and i.index_name <> 'primary';
select i.table_name, i.column_name, i.index_name,
concat('alter table ',i.table_name,' drop index ',i.index_name,' ;')
from information_schema.statistics i
where table_schema = 'myemployees' and i.index_name <> 'primary';
select i.table_name, i.column_name, i.index_name,
concat('alter table ',i.table_name,' drop index ',i.index_name,' ;')
from information_schema.statistics i
where table_schema = 'myemployees' and table_name = 'book' and i.index_name <> 'primary';
#可以使用create index或alter table來為表增加索引
/*(1.)alter table table_name add index index_name (column_list)
(2.)alter table table_name add unique (column_list)
(3.)alter table table_name add primary key (column_list)
mysql查詢所有外來鍵 查詢mysql所有外來鍵約束
select c.table schema 擁有者,c.referenced table name 父表名稱 c.referenced column name 父表字段 c.table name 子表名稱,c.column name 子表字段,c.constraint name 約束名,t.tabl...
刪除指定表的所有索引,包括主鍵索引,唯一索引和普通索引 呼叫 declare tbname varchar 20 set tbname a exec sp dropindex tbname vivianfdlpw 2005.9 引用情保留此資訊 if exists select 1 from sys...
刪除指定表的所有索引 刪除指定表的所有索引,包括主鍵索引,唯一索引和普通索引 呼叫 declare tbname varchar 20 set tbname a exec sp dropindex tbname vivianfdlpw 2005.9 引用情保留此資訊 if exists select...