
2021-09-27 01:54:28 字數 663 閱讀 8158


the imported target "qt5::help" references the file

but this file does not exist. possible reasons include:

* the file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.

* an install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.

* the installation package was faulty and contained

but not all the files it references.

call stack (most recent call first):

demo/periodic_3_triangulation_3/cmakelists.txt:18 (find_package)




cgal的安裝 編譯

配置過程略,不難,不再贅述。下面重點說明一下cgal的編譯過程。這部分直接 參考文章1的博文。嘗試編譯了一下cgal 4.13。環境 window7,vs2013 qt5.6.2 64bit,cgal 4.13 setup.exe安裝包中自帶了gmp和mpfr 1 安裝boost 1 69 0 bo...


1.警告 directory not found for option xx 檔案路徑未找到 2.missing required architecture i386 in file a 說明你的這個library檔案是為device arm架構 設計的,不支援simulator i386架構 相關...

驅動編譯時出現abi apc gnu

在編譯驅動 時出現此問題,查了半天,發現是arm linux gcc出了問題。醉了。下面轉一下這個編譯器的安裝方法吧 1.解壓檔案 解壓 tar zxvf arm linux gcc 4.4.3.tar.gz c 直接解壓後就可以,c 會讓解壓的檔案自動放在根目錄下指定路徑,不用管 sudo tar...