txtsql = "select * from user_info where userid = '" & trim(combousername.text) & "'"
set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
comboname.text = mrc.fields(3)
txtsql = "select * from user_info where username = '" & trim(comboname.text) & "'"
set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
combousername.text = mrc.fields(0)
txtsql = "select * from student_info where ischeck='未結賬' and type = '固定使用者' and userid = '" & trim(combousername.text) & "'"
set mrs = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
with msfgrid1
.rows = 1
.cellalignment = 4
.textmatrix(0, 0) = "學號"
.textmatrix(0, 1) = "卡號"
.textmatrix(0, 2) = "日期"
.textmatrix(0, 3) = "時間"
do while not mrs.eof
.rows = .rows + 1
.cellalignment = 4
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 0) = trim(mrs.fields(1))
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 1) = trim(mrs.fields(0))
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 2) = trim(mrs.fields(12))
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 3) = trim(mrs.fields(13))
end with
txtsql = "select * from cancelcard_info where status='未結賬' and userid = '" & trim(combousername.text) & "'"
set mrcc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
txtsql = "select * from recharge_info where status='未結賬' and userid = '" & trim(combousername.text) & "'"
set mrss = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
txtsql = "select * from student_info where ischeck='未結賬' and type = '臨時使用者' and userid = '" & trim(combousername.text) & "'"
set mrccc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)
機房收費系統 之 結賬
結賬,顧名思義就是把錢算一下。這的結賬不是給每乙個卡號結賬,而是給乙個操作員結賬,算一下這個操作員一共賣卡張數,退卡張數,實收金額,應收金額等等。結賬的介面是這個樣子的,其中用到乙個選項卡 這個窗體相比較而言還有有點難度的。別看乙個小小的操作員使用者名稱,它不是一般的combo控制項,對於一般的co...
機房收費系統 之結賬
通過使用者名稱顯示真實姓名 txtsql select from user info where userid comboopuserid.text set mrc executesql txtsql,msgtext combooprealname.text mrc username mrc.clo...
工程 部件 控制項 microsoft tabbed dialog control 6.0 購卡 card info 表中未結賬,當前操作員的卡號資訊 充值 recahrge info 表中未結賬的,該操作員的充值資訊 退卡 cancelcard info表中 未結賬,該操作員的退卡資訊 臨時使用者...