create procedure [dbo].[pro_basicdatatransfer]
declare @f_companyid nvarchar(50)='8d168d52-23f1-4743-b8b2-7f256add9b97' --公司
insert into t_base_user(f_userid, f_encode, f_account, f_password, f_secretkey, f_realname, f_mobile,
f_birthday, f_gender, f_departmentid, f_companyid, f_deletemark, f_enabledmark, f_createuserid, f_createusername, f_createdate)
select e.fitemid, e.fmobilephone ,e.fmobilephone, '3caa63ad3aef84c83fad7a0f502d8be1', '5ecccf68c782d90e', e.fname, e.fmobilephone
, e.fbirthday, case isnull(e.fgender, 0) when 1068 then 1 else 0 end , e.fdepartmentid, @f_companyid, 0, 1, 'system', 'system', getdate()
from ais2019..t_emp e
where not exists( select 1 from t_base_user u where cast(e.fitemid as varchar) = u.f_userid )
declare mycursorq cursor
for select e1.fitemid ,e1.fmobilephone, e1.fname,
e1.fmobilephone, e1.fbirthday, case isnull(e1.fgender, 0) when 1068 then 1 else 0 end as fgender, e1.fdepartmentid from ais2019..t_emp e1
where not exists( select 1 from t_base_user u where cast(e1.fitemid as varchar(50)) = u.f_userid and
f_companyid = @f_companyid and
isnull(e1.fmobilephone, '0') = isnull(u.f_mobile, '0') and
isnull(e1.fdepartmentid, '0') = isnull(u.f_departmentid, '0') and
isnull(e1.fname, '0') = isnull(u.f_realname, '0') and
isnull(e1.fbirthday, getdate()) = isnull(u.f_birthday, getdate()) and
case isnull(e1.fgender, '0') when 1068 then 1 else 0 end = isnull(u.f_gender, '0') and
isnull(e1.fshortnumber, '0') = isnull(u.f_account, '0')
) --開啟乙個游標
open mycursorq
declare @fitemid nvarchar(2000), @fshortnumber nvarchar(2000), @fname nvarchar(2000), @fmobile nvarchar(2000), @fbirthday nvarchar(2000),
@fgender nvarchar(2000), @fdeptno nvarchar(2000)
--移動游標指向到第一條資料,提取第一條資料存放在變數中 ,
fetch next from mycursorq into @fitemid, @fshortnumber, @fname, @fmobile, @fbirthday, @fgender, @fdeptno
while @@fetch_status =0
update t_base_user set f_mobile=@fmobile, f_departmentid=@fdeptno, f_realname=@fname,
f_birthday=@fbirthday, f_gender=@fgender, f_account=@fshortnumber , f_encode=@fshortnumber where f_userid=@fitemid
and f_companyid = @f_companyid
fetch next from mycursorq into @fitemid, @fshortnumber, @fname, @fmobile, @fbirthday, @fgender, @fdeptno
close mycursorq
deallocate mycursorq
-- 部門
insert into t_base_department(f_departmentid, f_companyid, f_encode, f_fullname, f_sortcode,
f_deletemark, f_enabledmark, f_createdate, f_createuserid, f_createusername,f_parentid)
select fitemid, @f_companyid, fnumber, fname, fitemid,
0, 1, getdate(), 'system', 'system',0 from ais2019..t_department d
where not exists(select 1 from t_base_department b where cast(d.fitemid as varchar) = b.f_departmentid )
declare mycursorw cursor
for select fitemid, fnumber, fname from ais2019..t_department d
where exists( select 1 from t_base_department b where b.f_departmentid = cast(d.fitemid as varchar) and
f_companyid = @f_companyid and
fitemid <> b.f_departmentid or
fnumber <>b.f_encode or
fname <>b.f_fullname)
open mycursorw
declare @fitemid1 nvarchar(2000), @fnumber1 nvarchar(2000), @fname1 nvarchar(2000)
fetch next from mycursorw into @fitemid1, @fnumber1, @fname1
while @@fetch_status =0
update t_base_department set f_encode=@fnumber1, f_fullname=@fname1
where f_departmentid=@fitemid1
fetch next from mycursorw into @fitemid1, @fnumber1, @fname1
close mycursorw
deallocate mycursorw
儲存過程 資料庫主從同步
儲存過程 為完成某一功能的一系列的sql語句集合。乙個儲存過程是乙個可程式設計的函式,它在資料庫中建立並儲存。它可以有sql語句和一些特殊的控制結構組成。儲存過程具有的優點如下 1,增加sql語句的靈活性跟功能性。儲存過程被建立後,可以在程式中被多次呼叫,而不必重新編寫該儲存過程的sql語句。2,加...
Oracle資料庫儲存過程 使用游標(2)
第一種使用loop 迴圈 loop fetch c postype into v postype,v description exit when c postype notfound end loop 備註 exit when語句一定要緊跟在fetch之後。必避免多餘的資料處理。而處理邏輯需要跟在e...
begin declare deliverstatus,smlen,datacoding,total int set total 0 while total 20 do set tsid if tsid then if resulttime and recvtime then elseif resu...