sub 代替vlookup()
dim d, ar, br, cr, wb as workbook
set d = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
br = worksheets("sheet1").[a1].currentregion '需要配置的資料表
ar = worksheets("r").[a1].currentregion '目標表
redim crr(1 to ubound(br) - 1, 1 to 1) '配置表的迴圈列數
for i = 2 to ubound(ar) '從目標表需要關聯的字段
d(ar(i, 4)) = ar(i, 6)
for i = 2 to ubound(br)
crr(i - 1, 1) = d(br(i, 4)) '將crr寫到brr表中
worksheets("sheet1").range("ej2").resize(ubound(br), 1) = crr '匹配
dim arr, d as object, crr '
set d = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
arr = worksheets("基礎資訊表").[a1].currentregion
brr = worksheets("統計結果").[a1].currentregion
for i = 2 to ubound(arr)
d(arr(i, 1)) = arr(i, 6)
redim crr(2 to ubound(brr), 1 to 1) '匹配目標表內容
for j = 2 to ubound(brr)
crr(j, 1) = d(brr(j, 2))'''在字典裡查詢brr值並返回相應值
worksheets("統計結果").[c2].resize(ubound(crr) - 1, 1) = crr
set d = nothing
dim arr, d as object, crr '陣列brr用來存放求和資料 '建立字典
set d = createobject("scripting.dictionary") '陣列賦值
arr = worksheets("基礎資訊表").[a1].currentregion '重置陣列brr大小
brr = worksheets("統計結果").[a1].currentregion
for i = 2 to ubound(arr)
d(arr(i, 1)) = arr(i, 6) & "," & arr(i, 7)
redim crr(2 to ubound(brr), 1 to 1)
redim drr(2 to ubound(brr), 1 to 1)
for j = 2 to ubound(brr)
if d(brr(j, 2)) <> "" then
crr(j, 1) = split(d(brr(j, 2)), ",")(0) '在brr裡查詢到此名,並返回對應值
drr(j, 1) = split(d(brr(j, 2)), ",")(1)
crr(j, 1) = ""
drr(j, 1) = ""
end if
worksheets("統計結果").[c2].resize(ubound(crr) - 1, 1) = crr
worksheets("統計結果").[d2].resize(ubound(crr) - 1, 1) = drr
set d = nothing
end sub
Python 利用字典合併檔案
這個要求是這樣的 將倆個檔案合併為乙個檔案,這倆檔案具有相同的第一列,合併後的檔案為 第一列只有一列 其他列追加,與下圖cc.txt 相同aa.txt1 44 2 65 3 64 4 43bb.txt1 54 2 66 3 68 4 49 importsys printsys.path 0 with...
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Shell 程式設計 利用字典統計文字次數
csdn 問答上看到的乙個問題,有乙個 test.log 內容如下 a,e a,b,e b,c,e c,ec,d,ed,e統計規則是這樣的 每一行以逗號分割,如果第二個欄位為 e 就統計該行,否則將第乙個字段相同且第二個欄位不為 e 的行數累加。為了換換腦子 調節一下大腦思維,所以就花了點時間寫了下...