Python內建函式 19 oct

2021-09-25 19:33:29 字數 1896 閱讀 7667



convert an integer number to an octal string. the result is a valid python expression. if 

x is not a python 

intobject, it has to define an 

__index__()method that returns an integer.


說明:1. 函式功能將乙個整數轉換成8進製字串。如果傳入浮點數或者字串均會報錯。

>>> a = oct(10)

>>> a


>>> type(a) # 返回結果型別是字串

>>> oct(10.0) # 浮點數不能轉換成8進製

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in oct(10.0)

typeerror: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

>>> oct('10') # 字串不能轉換成8進製

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in oct('10')

typeerror: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

2. 如果傳入引數不是整數,則其必須是乙個定義了__index__並返回整數函式的類的例項物件。

# 未定義__index__函式,不能轉換

>>> class student:

def __init__(self,name,age): = name

self.age = age

>>> a = student('kim',10)

>>> oct(a)

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in oct(a)

typeerror: 'student' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

# 定義了__index__函式,但是返回值不是int型別,不能轉換

>>> class student:

def __init__(self,name,age): = name

self.age = age

def __index__(self):


>>> a = student('kim',10)

>>> oct(a)

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in oct(a)

typeerror: __index__ returned non-int (type str)

# 定義了__index__函式,而且返回值是int型別,能轉換

>>> class student:

def __init__(self,name,age): = name

self.age = age

def __index__(self):

return self.age

>>> a = student('kim',10)

>>> oct(a)


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