C Primer 第五版 16 1 6節練習

2021-09-25 16:21:54 字數 3021 閱讀 2591

16.28   重新定義未sp和up兩個模板:

#ifndef sp_h

#define sp_h

#include using namespace std;

template class sp

explicit sp(t *pt): p(pt), use(new size_t(1))

sp(const sp &sp): p(sp.p), use(sp.use)

sp& operator=(const sp&);


t& operator*()

t& operator*() const


t *p;

size_t *use;

};template sp& sp::operator=(const sp &rhs)

} if (rhs.use)


p = rhs.p;

use = rhs.use;

return *this;

}template sp::~sp() }}

template spmake_sp(args&&... args)

template class up

up(const up &up) = delete;

explicit up(t* pt) : p(pt) {}

up& operator=(const up&) = delete;


t* release();

void reset(t *new_p);

t& operator*()

t& operator*() const


t *p;

};template up::~up()

template t* up::release()

template void up::reset(t *new_p)


16.29    重新修改blob模板:

#ifndef	blob_h

#define blob_h

#include #include #include #include #include "sp.h"

using namespace std;

template class blobptr;

template class blob

bool empty() const

void push_back(const t &t)

void push_back(t &&t)

void pop_back();

t& front();

t& back();

t& operator(size_type i);

const t& front() const;

const t& back() const;

const t& at(size_type) const;

const t& operator(size_type i) const;


sp> data;

void check(size_type i, const string &msg) const;

};template void blob::check(size_type i, const string &msg) const

template blob::blob(): data(make_sp>())

template blob::blob(initializer_listil):


template void blob::pop_back()

template t& blob::front()

template t& blob::back()

template t& blob::operator(size_type i)

template const t& blob::front() const

template const t& blob::back() const

template const t& blob::operator(size_type i) const

template const t& blob::at(size_type i) const


16.30    測試主程式:

#include #include #include #include "sp_blob.h"

using namespace std;

int main()

; b1 = b2; // b1 and b2 share the same elements


cout << b1.size() << " " << b2.size() << endl;

} // b2 is destroyed, but the elements it points to must not be destroyed

cout << b1.size() << endl;

for(size_t i = 0; i < b1.size(); ++i)

cout << endl << endl;

upu1(new int(42));

cout << *u1 << endl;


cout << *u2 << endl;

return 0;


16.31    shared_ptr在執行時繫結刪除器,unique_ptr在編譯時繫結刪除器。對unique_ptr而言,刪除器型別是unique_ptr型別的一部分。通過這種方式,unique_ptr避免了間接呼叫刪除器的開銷,還可以將自定義的刪除器(debugdelete)編譯為內聯形式。

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