傳統分頁就是在資料基本不會變化時,就是不會有新資料插入進來,前端一般 是傳遞 頁碼,每一頁的數量,**如下
public responsedata list(pageentity pageentity)@data
public class pageentity implements serializable
int shopid = 1;
pageutils pageutils = this.productservice.wxlistproductpage(shopid, pageentity);
return responsedata.success(pageutils);
public pageutils wxlistproductpage(int shopid, pageentity pageentity)
int start = (pageentity.getpage() - 1) * pageentity.getlimit();
int num = pageentity.getlimit();
return new pageutils(maplist, count, pageentity.getlimit(), pageentity.getpage());
a.id as id,
c.title as categoryname,
a.product_name as productname,
a.num as num,
a.price as price,
a.product_desc as productdesc,
a.create_time as createtime,
a.update_time as updatetime,
a.enable_point as enablepoint,
a.point as point,
b.file_name as filename
from product a
left join sys_file_info b on a.img = b.file_id
left join product_category c on a.product_category_id = c.id
a.shop_id = #
and a.product_state = 'enable'
and product_name like concat('%',#,'%')
order by
a.create_time desc
limit #, #
* 在分頁時過濾新插入的資料
* @param headerid 第一次請求下列表中最大的id
* @param nextid 每一次請求下列表中最小的id
* @param limit 每一頁需要多少條
* @param page 頁碼,後端無意義
* @return
*/public responsedata listbyid(integer headerid, integer nextid, integer limit, integer page)
if (page == null)
int shopid = 1;
pageutils pageutils = this.productservice.wxlistproductpagebyid(shopid, headerid, nextid, limit, page);
return responsedata.success(pageutils);
public pageutils wxlistproductpagebyid(integer shopid, integer headerid, integer nextid,integer limit,integer page)
return new pageutils(maplist, count, limit, page);
a.id as id,
c.title as categoryname,
a.product_name as productname,
a.num as num,
a.price as price,
a.product_desc as productdesc,
a.create_time as createtime,
a.update_time as updatetime,
a.enable_point as enablepoint,
a.point as point,
b.file_name as filename
product a
left join sys_file_info b on a.img = b.file_id
left join product_category c on a.product_category_id = c.id
a.shop_id = #
and a.product_state = 'enable'
and a.id < #
order by a.id desc
limit #, #
* 分頁工具類
* */
public class pageutils implements serializable
/*** 分頁
*/public pageutils(ipage> page)
public int gettotalcount()
public void settotalcount(int totalcount)
public int getpagesize()
public void setpagesize(int pagesize)
public int gettotalpage()
public void settotalpage(int totalpage)
public int getcurrpage()
public void setcurrpage(int currpage)
public list> getlist()
public void setlist(list> list)
用儲存過程實現的分頁程式 鄒建 2003.09 引用請保留此資訊 呼叫示例 exec p show 地區資料 exec p show 地區資料 5,3,地區編號,地區名稱,助記碼 地區編號 if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id...
在專案中,會遇到查詢出的結果排序分頁的問題,可以有多種解決方法,乙個是利用開發工具提供的方法,例如.net visual studio中的gridview,就提供了排序,分頁功能。但如果情況複雜,我們可以把排序分頁放到儲存過程來完成。以乙個簡單例子來說明問題 table reportfile fie...
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1 在sqlserver 中查詢某個字段存在於那個表中的語句是 use testgo select a.name as tablename from sysobjects a inner join syscolumns b on a.id b.id where b.name 列名 例句 use di...