特點:select 查詢列表
from 表名
where 查詢條件
order by 排序列表(asc或desc)
1.order by 子句可以支援單個字段、多個字段、表示式、函式、別名的查詢
2.order by 一般位置查詢語句的最後面(limit子句除外)
select * from employees order by salary asc;
select * from employees order by salary;
select * from employees
where department_id >= 90
order by hiredata asc;
select *, salary*12(1+ifnull(commission_pct,0) 年薪
from employees
order by 年薪 asc;
select length(last_name) 姓名位元組長度 ,last_name,salary
from employees
order by 姓名位元組長度;
select * from employees order by salary asc,employee_id desc;
select last_name,salarty
from employees
where salary not between 8000 and 9000
order by salary desc;
select *
from employees
where email like('%e%')
order by length(email) asc, department_id desc;
Mysql之SQL語句 select聯表查詢
1.連表查詢 現有表1 student 列1 d 列2 name 和 表2 score 列1 id 列2 fraction select student.name,score.fraction from student,score where student.id 1 and score.id 1 ...
在日常生活在我們會遇到這種問題 例如我們有乙個訂單表,你想把所有的訂單進行輸出,但是有的訂單是退款訂單,有的訂單是正常訂單,而且你要把同一家公司的正常訂單的金額彙總,如果使用where判斷訂單的狀態的話,在所有訂單裡面就無法輸出退款過的訂單了,那麼就輪到我們的case when then end出場...
C JQuery學習(五)select控制項
遍歷option和新增 移除option function changeshipmethod shipping else 取得下拉列表的選取值 testselect option selected text 或 testselect find option selected text 或 tests...