yum install -y openssl
配置 etc/plugins/emqx_auth_mysql.conf## allow anonymous authentication by default if no auth plugins loaded.
## notice: disable the option in production deployment!
#### value: true | false
allow_anonymous =
最容易出現的埠衝突是8080埠,這個埠的話需要在plus模組中配置## variables:
## - %u: username
## - %c: clientid
## - %cn: common name of client tls cert
## - %dn: subject of client tls cert
## 這裡新增上加鹽字段
auth.mysql.auth_query =
select password,salt from mqtt_user where username =
'%u' limit 1
## auth.mysql.auth_query = select password_hash as password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
## password hash.
#### value: plain | md5 | sha | sha256 | bcrypt
##auth.mysql.password_hash = sha256
## sha256 with salt prefix
## auth.mysql.password_hash = salt,sha256
## bcrypt with salt only prefix
## auth.mysql.password_hash = salt,bcrypt
## sha256 with salt suffix
auth.mysql.password_hash = sha256,salt
## pbkdf2 with macfun iterations dklen
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