
2021-09-23 16:21:21 字數 2513 閱讀 4460




比如archlinux– sudo pacman -s chntpw


掛載windows系統分割槽盤,進入到 windows/system32/config中,就地開啟終端,執行如下命令:

sudo chntpw sam

chntpw version 0.99.6 110511 , (c) petter n hagen

hive name (from header): 

root key at offset: 0×001020 * subkey indexing type is: 666c 

file size 262144 [40000] bytes, containing 5 pages (+ 1 headerpage)

used for data: 233/17736 blocks/bytes, unused: 16/2584 blocks/bytes.

* sam policy limits:

failed logins before lockout is: 0

minimum password length : 0

password history count : 0

| rid -|———- username ————| admin? |- lock? –|

| 01f4 | administrator | admin | *blank* |

| 01f5 | guest | | dis/lock |

———————> syskey check <———————–

system secureboot : -1 -> not set (not installed, good!)

sam accountf : 0 -> off

security polsecretencryptionkey: -1 -> not set (ok if this is nt4)

syskey not installed!

rid : 0500 [01f4]

username: administrator


comment : ���:(�)��n7

homedir :

user is member of 1 groups:

00000220 = administrators (which has 1 members)

account bits: 0×0210 =

[ ] disabled | [ ] homedir req. | [ ] passwd not req. |

[ ] temp. duplicate | [x] normal account | [ ] nms account |

[ ] domain trust ac | [ ] wks trust act. | [ ] srv trust act |

[x] pwd don』t expir | [ ] auto lockout | [ ] (unknown 0×08) |

[ ] (unknown 0×10) | [ ] (unknown 0×20) | [ ] (unknown 0×40) |

failed login count: 0, while max tries is: 0

total login count: 81

** no nt md4 hash found. this user probably has a blank password!

** no lanman hash found either. sorry, cannot change. try login with no password!

- – - – user edit menu:

1 – clear (blank) user password

2 – edit (set new) user password (careful with this on xp or vista)

3 – promote user (make user an administrator)

(4 – unlock and enable user account) [seems unlocked already]

q – quit editing user, back to user select

select: [q] >




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