linux md5sum 命令詳解

2021-08-31 23:40:01 字數 3501 閱讀 4521


$ md5sum --help

usage: md5sum [option]... [file]...

print or check md5 (128-bit) checksums.

with no file, or when file is -, read standard input.

-b, --binary read in binary mode

-c, --check read md5 sums from the files and check them

--tag create a bsd-style checksum

-t, --text read in text mode (default)

the following three options are useful only when verifying checksums:

--quiet don't print ok for each successfully verified file

--status don't output anything, status code shows success

-w, --warn warn about improperly formatted checksum lines

--strict with --check, exit non-zero for any invalid input

--help display this help and exit

--version output version information and exit

the sums are computed as described in rfc 1321. when checking, the input

should be a former output of this program. the default mode is to print

a line with checksum, a character indicating input mode ('*' for binary,

space for text), and name for each file.

report md5sum bugs to

gnu coreutils home page: general help using gnu software: for complete documentation, run: info coreutils 'md5sum invocation'

-b, --binary:以二進位制方式讀取檔案

-t, --text :預設配置,以文字方式讀取檔案


$ md5sum hello.c 

6a29375b3e989a04355ecee250448c6e hello.c

$ md5sum -b hello.c

6a29375b3e989a04355ecee250448c6e *hello.c

$ md5sum a.out

40a9477fa25a9df86361571dd60feffc a.out

$ md5sum -b a.out

40a9477fa25a9df86361571dd60feffc *a.out

-c, --check:從指定文字中讀取md5值,然後檢測md5值對應的檔案是否完整,這個「指定文字」的格式如下:

40a9477fa25a9df86361571dd60feffc  a.out

$ md5sum a.out > md5.txt

$ cat md5.txt

40a9477fa25a9df86361571dd60feffc a.out

$ md5sum -c md5.txt

a.out: ok


$ md5sum -c md5.txt 

a.out: failed

md5sum: warning: 1 computed checksum did not match


$ md5sum --tag a.out 

md5 (a.out) = 40a9477fa25a9df86361571dd60feffc


$ md5sum --quiet  md5.txt 

md5sum: the --quiet option is meaningful only when verifying checksums

try 'md5sum --help' for more information.


$ md5sum -c md5.txt 

a.out: ok


$ md5sum --quiet -c md5.txt


$ md5sum -c md5.txt

a.out: failed

md5sum: warning: 1 computed checksum did not match

$ md5sum --quiet -c md5.txt

a.out: failed

md5sum: warning: 1 computed checksum did not match



$ md5sum --status -c md5.txt

$ echo $?


$ md5sum --status -c md5.txt

$ echo $?


-w, --warn :如果檢測文字中有,非法的行,不符合md5sum -c需要的格式,則列印出警告資訊

$ md5sum --warn -c md5.txt 

a.out: ok

md5sum: md5.txt: 2: improperly formatted md5 checksum line

md5sum: warning: 1 line is improperly formatted




Linux md5sum校驗檔案完整性

使用場景 遠端備份大檔案,防止網路異常斷開,檔案備份不完整,使用md5校驗其完整性。1.獲取檔案md5值 root kvm 123 gitlab md5sum 1564248991 2019 07 29 11.11.0 ee gitlab backup.tar bb02bd6e4da8e612274...


基礎命令學習目錄首頁 在網路傳輸 裝置之間轉存 複製大檔案等時,可能會出現傳輸前後資料不一致的情況。這種情況在網路這種相對更不穩定的環境中,容易出現。那麼校驗檔案的完整性,也是勢在必行的。md5sum命令用於生成和校驗檔案的md5值。它會逐位對檔案的內容進行校驗。是檔案的內容,與檔名無關,也就是檔案...

linux命令詳解 md5sum命令

在網路傳輸 裝置之間轉存 複製大檔案等時,可能會出現傳輸前後資料不一致的情況。這種情況在網路這種相對更不穩定的環境中,容易出現。那麼校驗檔案的完整性,也是勢在必行的。md5sum命令用於生成和校驗檔案的md5值。它會逐位對檔案的內容進行校驗。是檔案的內容,與檔名無關,也就是檔案內容相同,其md5值相...