class db }
public function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect = 0,$charset='utf8')
} else
} if(!@mysql_select_db($dbname,$this->link_id))
@mysql_query("set names ".$charset); }
public function query($sql)
public function get_one($sql,$result_type = mysql_assoc)
public function get_all($sql,$result_type = mysql_assoc)
$this->write_log("獲取全部記錄 ".$sql);
return $rt; }
public function insert($table,$dataarray)
$field = substr( $field,0,-1);
$value = substr( $value,0,-1);
$sql = "insert into $table($field) values($value)";
$this->write_log("插入 ".$sql);
if(!$this->query($sql)) return false;
return true;
} //更新
public function update( $table,$dataarray,$condition="")
$value = "";
while( list($key,$val) = each($dataarray))
$value .= "$key = '$val',";
$value .= substr( $value,0,-1);
$sql = "update $table set $value where 1=1 and $condition";
$this->write_log("更新 ".$sql);
if(!$this->query($sql)) return false;
return true;
} //刪除
public function delete( $table,$condition="")
$sql = "delete from $table where 1=1 and $condition";
$this->write_log("刪除 ".$sql);
if(!$this->query($sql)) return false;
return true;
} //返回結果集
public function fetch_array($query, $result_type = mysql_assoc)
public function num_rows($results) else
} //釋放結果集
public function free_result()
} $this->write_log("釋放結果集");
} //獲取最後插入的id
public function insert_id()
protected function close()
private function halt($msg='')
public function __destruct() }
public function write_log($msg='') }
public function microtime_float()
$db_config["hostname"] = "localhost"; //伺服器位址
$db_config["username"] = "root"; //資料庫使用者名稱
$db_config["password"] = "123"; //資料庫密碼
$db_config["database"] = "test"; //資料庫名稱
$db_config["charset"] = "utf8";//資料庫編碼
$db_config["pconnect"] = 1;//開啟持久連線
$db_config["log"] = 1;//開啟日誌
$db_config["logfilepath"] = './';//開啟日誌
php 資料庫操作類
class dbconnect if dbtable this dbchange dbtable 選擇要操作的資料庫 function dbchange dbtable type 0 返回執行完sql語句後的結果 不做處理 type 1 返回 看下面注釋 type 2 返回 看下面注釋 functi...
config.db.php db config hostname localhost 伺服器位址 db config username root 資料庫使用者名稱 db config password 123 資料庫密碼 db config database test 資料庫名稱 db config...
PHP 資料庫操作類
db.php class db 資料庫連線 public function connect dbhost,dbuser,dbpw,dbname,pconnect 0,charset utf8 else if mysql select db dbname,this link id mysql quer...