
2021-08-31 19:01:06 字數 3279 閱讀 1127





redim :在有些時候不知道需要多大的陣列,就可以使用乙個能改變大小的陣列,就是動態陣列,redim是很方便,靈活的可以隨時改變大小的陣列。有效管理記憶體,可以將記憶體空間釋放給系統,大大節省記憶體,提高執行速度。

private sub timer1_timer()

dim i, cardno as integer

dim txtsql, msgtext as string

dim mrcba, mrcon, mrc1, mrcstudent as adodb.recordset

dim intconsumetime, cmoney, newcash, pastcash, fixusercharge, temusercharge as integer

txtsql = "select * from basicdata_info"

set mrcba = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

txtsql = "select * from student_info"

set mrcstudent = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

txtsql = "select * from 0nline_info"

set mrcon = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

txtsql = "select * from line_info"

set mrc1 = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)


if mrcon.eof and mrcon.bof then

timer1.enabled = false

exit sub

end if

fixusercharge = mrcba.fields(0) '固定使用者的單位費用

temusercharge = mrcba.fields(1) '臨時使用者的單位費用

pastcash = mrcstudent.fields(7) '獲得原金額


redim a(mrcon.recordcount) as string

for i = 0 to mrcon.recordcount - 1

a(i) = trim(mrcon!cardno)

cardno = a(i)

txtsql = "select * from online_info where cardno='" & trim(cardno) & "'"

set mrcon = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

intconsumetime = datediff("n", mrcon.fields(10), now) '計算時間

if mrcon!card = "固定使用者" then

cmoney = int(intconsumetime / 60 + 1) * fixusercharge

newcash = pastcash - cmoney


if (newcash > 0) and (newcash <= val(mrcba!limitcash)) or (newcash < 0) then

txtsql = "delete * from online_info where cardno = '" & cardno & "'"

set mrcon = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

msgbox "卡號:" & cardno & ",餘額不足,即將下機!", 48, "警告"

mrcstudent!cash = newcash


txtconsume.text = cmoney

txtcash.text = newcash

call viewdata

exit sub

end if


cmoney = int(intconsumetime / 60 + 1) * temusercharge

newcash = pastcash - cmoney


if (newcash > 0) and (newcash <= val(mrcba!limitcash)) or (newcash < 0) then

txtsql = "delete * from online_info where cardno = '" & cardno & "'"

set mrcon = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

msgbox "卡號:" & cardno & ",餘額不足,即將下機!", 48, "警告"

mrcstudent!cash = newcash


txtconsume.text = cmoney

txtcash.text = newcash

call viewdata

exit sub

end if

end if

end sub

private sub viewdata()

txtcardno.text = mrc1.fields(0)

txtstudentno.text = mrc1!studentno

txtdepartment.text = mrc1!department

txttype.text = mrc1!type

txtname.text = mrc1!studentname

txt***.text = mrc1!***

txtondate.text = mrc1!ondate

txtontime.text = mrc1!ontime

txtoffdate.text = date

txtofftiem.text = time

txtconsumetime.text = intconsumetime

mrc1!offdate = date

mrc1!offtime = time

mrc1!consumetime = intconsumetime


end sub

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機房收費系統 下機

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