2021-08-31 17:13:03 字數 1486 閱讀 5066



欄位authoringid number primary key,

name varchar(50) not null,

startdate date


select *

from (select a.*, row_number() over(order by a.startdate desc) rownumber

from authoring a) tmp

where tmp.rownumber between 1 and 5;

select *

from (select tmp.*, rownum rownumber

from (select a.* from authoring a order by startdate desc) tmp) rslt

where rslt.rownumber between 1 and 5;

注: order by 是對where過濾之後的結果在快取內進行order,


所以分頁時需先order by 然後再取rownum的值

select *

from (select tmp.*, rownum rownumber

from (select a.* from authoring a order by startdate desc) tmp

where rownum <= 5) rslt

where rslt.rownumber >= 1;

select tmp.*

from (select a.* from authoring a order by startdate desc, authoringid) tmp

where rownum <= 6;


select tmp.*

from (

select a.startdate, a.authoringid,

from authoring a

where a.startdate < (select a.startdate from authoring a where a.authoringid = 1076328)


select a.startdate, a.authoringid, 

from authoring a w

here a.startdate = (select a.startdate from authoring a where a.authoringid = 1076328) and a.authoringid >= 1076328

order by startdate desc, authoringid

) tmp

where rownum <= 6;

oracle 分頁方法

基本分頁方法如下 select from select a.rownum rn from select from tablename a where rownum pagenum 1 pagesize pagesize where rn pagenum 1 pagesize 上面是乙個單錶查詢分頁方...


一 使用rownum分頁顯示方式 方式1 select from select rownum r,a.from b i exch info a where rownum 10 where r 5 方式2 select from select rownum r,a.from b i exch info...


資料量很大的查詢一定要加分頁,否則嚴重的話甚至會導致資料庫直接掛了 public string getpagesql string originalsql,int pageidx rownum 和rowid 都是偽列,但是兩者的根本是不同的。rownum 是根據sql 查詢出的結果給每行分配乙個邏輯...