use master key
gocreate master key
encrypyion by password = 'password'
create table dbo.sectable
(id int identity primary key,
[data] nvarchar(100))
create certificate tomcert
subject = 'tom certificate',
expiry_date = '2007-01-01'
create symmetric key sym_tom
with algorithm = desx encryption by certificate tomcrrt
open symmetric key sym_tom decryption by certicate tomcert
insert into sectable (data) values(encryptbykey(key_guid('sym_tom'),n'tom1'))
insert into sectable (data) values(encryptbykey(key_guid('sym_tom'),n'tom2'))
insert into sectable (data) values(encryptbykey(key_guid('sym_tom'),n'tom3'))
close symmetric key sym_tom
select * from dbo.sectable
select id,cast(decryptbykey(data) as nvarchar) from dbo.sectable
close symmetric key sym_tom
SQL 2005加密資料方法
示例一,使用證書加密資料.建立測試資料表 create table tb id int identity 1,1 data varbinary 8000 go 建立證書一,該證書使用資料庫主金鑰來加密 create certificate cert demo1 with subject n cert...
MSSQL加密資料表 sql2005
建立資料庫主秘鑰 use adb go create master key encryption by password p8ssw0rd go 建立存放加密資料的表 create table dbo.sectable id int identity primary key,data nvarcha...
sql 2005 迴圈處理資料
對oracle而言用游標很容易就可以實現,也不會太耗費資源 相對來說 而sql用游標確相當的慢,以下用row number實現的乙個迴圈處理 declare date datetime,maxid int id int begin select maxid count from nt fundchi...