讀Spring 2 5 6 原始碼學匿名類的使用

2021-08-31 06:32:24 字數 2373 閱讀 7825


在 org.springframework.orm.ibatis 包中,有乙個類叫sqlmapclienttemplate,它是用spring整合ibatis對資料庫進行操作的乙個工具類。瀏覽一下,其主要提供了對資料庫的各種「增查改刪」的操作。


public object insert(string statementname) throws dataacces***ception

public object insert(final string statementname, final object parameterobject) throws dataacces***ception });



public list queryforlist(string statementname) throws dataacces***ception

public list queryforlist(final string statementname, final object parameterobject)

throws dataacces***ception



public int update(string statementname) throws dataacces***ception

public int update(final string statementname, final object parameterobject)

throws dataacces***ception

});return result.intvalue();



public int delete(string statementname) throws dataacces***ception

public int delete(final string statementname, final object parameterobject)

throws dataacces***ception

});return result.intvalue();



object doinsqlmapclient(sqlmapexecutor executor) throws sqlexception;

上述匿名類實現了這一介面,重寫了上述方法。 之後工具類sqlmapclienttemplate利用

public object execute(sqlmapclientcallback action) throws dataacces***ception


public object execute(sqlmapclientcallback action) throws dataacces***ception

connection ibatiscon = null;


}else }}

catch (sqlexception ex)

// execute given callback...


catch (sqlexception ex)


else }}

catch (throwable ex)

}// processing finished - potentially session still to be closed.

}finally }}

[b]注意此段**中46行return action.doinsqlmapclient(session);[/b]

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