JDBC oracle排序傳參無法正確

2021-08-31 03:15:47 字數 1233 閱讀 8504


select distinct *

from (select row_number() over(order by currentsite desc) as rownumber,

v.*from (select emp.emp_id empid,

pcb.proj_desc currentsite,

pcd.proj_desc headercountsite

from dsasdba.ssls_security_master sm,

dsasdba.ssls_security_user_role ur,

dsasdba.ssls_security_role_team_edit rte,

dsasdba.ssls_security_team_table team,

employee_all_details emp

left join proj_code pcb on emp.emp_branch = pcb.proj_code

left join proj_code pcd on emp.emp_dept = pcd.proj_code

where 1 = 1

and upper(sm.username) = upper('administrator')

and sm.pkey = ur.user_id

and ur.role_id = rte.role_id

and team.team_id = rte.team_id

and team.team_code = emp.emp_team) v) t

where rownumber between 1 and 10

這條語句在oracle資料褲中執行沒有問題,修改order by 後面的排序也同樣可以正確排序

但我的語句是用preparestatement的引數注入的,一共注入了4個引數: orderbyclause、username、pagebegin、pageend


經過這樣注入查詢的結果就是,這個currentsite desc無法作為sql的一部分,被當做字串變數插入到sql中,



2018.11.6 11:15


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