\t \n
list_name = ['dad', 'mum', 'sister']
print('dear '.title() + list_name[0].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[1].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[2].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('wow! '.title() + list_name[2].title() + ' can not come')
list_name[2] = 'bob'
print('dear '.title() + list_name[0].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[1].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[2].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('i think i find a bigger table , we can invite more people!'.title())
list_name.insert(0, 'giogio')
list_name.insert(1, 'nanne')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[0].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[1].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[2].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[3].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[4].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[5].title() + ' thank for your coming')
one = list_name.pop(0)
print('i am sorry giogio, dinner can not be held tonight')
two = list_name.pop(0)
print('i am sorry nanne, dinner can not be held tonight')
three = list_name.pop(3)
print('i am sorry jojo, dinner can not be held tonight')
four = list_name.pop(2)
print('i am sorry bob, dinner can not be held tonight')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[0].title() + ' thank for your coming')
print('dear '.title() + list_name[1].title() + ' thank for your coming')
del list_name[0]
del list_name[0]
print('now the list is empty , right?')
good good study day day up
在之前的教程中,我們已經學會了安裝python以及pycharm。在這裡,我們開啟pycharm,它是一種python ide 整合開發環境 在這個軟體中,我們來學習python的基礎知識。首先,我們先在軟體中,開啟python控制台或者命令列程式。python控制台開啟之後,會直接進入互動式環境,...
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python 萌新勇士之路
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