create user username identified by password;
drop user username;
grant create session to username;(建立session的許可權,即登入許可權)
grant create table to username;(建立table的許可權)
grant unlimited tablespace to username;(無限制使用表空間的許可權)
revoke create session/table from username;
revoke unlimited tablespce from username;
select * from user_sys_privs;
grant select on table to username;(查詢表的許可權)
grant select on table to public;(將查詢表的許可權授予所有使用者)
grant all on table to username;(將表的所有許可權授予使用者)
revoke insert on table from username;
revoke insert on table from public;
revoke all on table from username;
select * from user_tab_privs;
grant update(id) on table to username;(更新表中id列的許可權)
revoke update(id) on table from username;
select * from user_col_privs;
grant alter on table to username width admin option;
create role myrole;
drop role myrole;
grant create session to myrole;
grant create table to myrole;
grant unlimited tablespace to myrole;
grant myrole to username;
[color=red]注意:有些系統許可權無法直接授予角色,如unlimited tablespace。[/color]
alter user username identified by password;
orapwd file="e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\pwdorcl.ora" password=password entries=1 force=y
oracle10g 解除安裝
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