Apache2新增mod rewrite模組

2021-08-30 12:58:24 字數 1051 閱讀 8799

#loadmodule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

可是昨天裝了apache2最新版卻出了意外,去掉了這行,rewrite還沒開啟 用了乙個下午,百思不得其解.終於發現httpd.conf裡有這麼一段

# # possible values for the options directive are "none", "all",

# or any combination of:

# indexes includes followsymlinks symlinksifownermatch execcgi multiviews

# # note that "multiviews" must be named *explicitly* --- "options all"

# doesn't give it to you.

# # the options directive is both complicated and important. please see

# # for more information.

# options indexes followsymlinks

# # allowoverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.

# it can be "all", "none", or any combination of the keywords:

# options fileinfo authconfig limit

#allowoverride none#

# controls who can get stuff from this server.

# order allow,deny

allow from all

allowoverride none改 為allowoverride all



1 修改apache的配置檔案 usr local apache2 conf httpd.conf,對需要認證的資源所在的目錄進行配置 vim usr local apache2 conf httpd.confallowoverride引數就是指明apache伺服器是否去找.htacess檔案作為配...


1 serverroot serverroot usr local apache2 apache 軟體安裝的位置。配置檔案中其它指定的目錄如果沒有指定絕對路徑,則目錄是相對於該目錄。2 pidfile logs httpd.pid 第乙個httpd 程序 所有其他程序的父程序 的程序號檔案位置。在h...

Apache2如何支援 htaccess

其實在本地機實現.htaccess也很簡單,具體方法如下 主要修改apache安裝資料夾conf下的httpd.conf檔案 將 loadmodule rewrite module modules mod rewrite.so 前面的 號去掉 將 options indexes followsyml...